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Kristin Threw

Dr. Wyant
Tiger Pride
SO Report Week 1
On September 23rd, Brydie Pye taught a physical education lesson to a group of 20
second graders. The focus of the lesson was to get the students trusting each other and to feel
comfortable with each other. The students did the lesson on the blacktop in a half shaded, half
sunny area where there was an already drawn square so that the kids had boundary lines for the
activity. For this lesson, Brydie used 60 bean bags, 10 cones, 10 blindfolds, 30 yarn balls, and 20
small balls.
Systematic Observation 1:
The first systematic observation that I completed was the Teacher Movement which
tracks the movement of the teacher during the lesson and who they are directing their attention to
at different intervals. After every minute interval throughout the lesson I was to mark where the
teacher is in the practice area and whom the teacher is directing their attention to; either a small
group, large group, or an individual. The duration of the lesson where the students were actually
participating in an activity was 16 minutes. For the instant activity, I noticed that Brydie did not
move around the practice a ton and tended to stay in the same areas. She was mainly talking to
the whole group of students in the beginning because she was explaining the activity and the rest
of the time she was engaging with small groups. For the Second activity she moved around the
practice area a lot more than the instant activity as she walked down the entire length of the area
and back to the beginning. This activity was done in small groups of three so most of her
interaction was with small groups. It is good that she moved around a lot more in the second
activity and the fact that she talked with the students in small groups made it easier to interact
with more students. Two strategies I would give her for improvement would be to move around a
little more during instant activities and try to interact with more students individually rather than
in small groups.
Systematic Observation 2:
The second systematic observation that I completed was the System for Observing
Fitness Instruction (SOFIT), which tracks the movement of three students during the lesson to
see if they participate in moderate to vigorous activity during the period of the lesson. The lesson
lasted for 25 minutes for which only 10 minutes and 10 seconds consisted of students engaging
in MVPA. After looking at the data it seemed as though most of the physical activity took place
in the middle of the lesson as that is when the students were really engaging in the activity.
Although Brydie got close to having half of the lesson include MVPA from the students she still
did not reach 50%. A lot of the time was spent on class management which takes away from
students actually partaking in the activity. In the next lesson, Brydie could try to be more
demanding about the rules she wants the class to follow and be more strict that way she does not
take away time from doing the actual activity.

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