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Who Do You Attract Whiners Or Winners?

Who do you attract whiners or winners into your business? Well in order to answer that question you
first must ask yourself this question,” Am I a whiner or a winner?” Whatever answer you come up with is
usually what you attract. Now I know that everyone is going to say that they are winners and that for
some reason they just continue to attract whiners into their business and they do not know why.

Let’s be honest, let’s actually see what you really are. Let’s look at my definition of a whiner: A whiner
is a person who complains about everything and acts like a baby!

Whiner List!

1. Do you complain that you do not have any people to talk to?
2. Do you get upset and complain when people say “no” and don’t join your business?
3. Do you complain when your upline does not call you back?
4. Do you get upset when a follow- up call does not answer the phone?
5. Do you get upset when no one shows up to your home or hotel meeting?

If you answered yes to anyone of those questions at some point in your business you were a whiner. We
all at some point and time have done at least one of those on the list above if we are honest with
ourselves. I know I did all five of them at one time.

You go through this when you first start out because you do not have the mindset of a winner yet and all
you know is what is not working for you and you complain about it over and over again. So what starts
to happen is that the more you complain the worse it gets and you just feel like there is no way off of
this awful treadmill of disappointments that seem to come from nowhere.

Now for some of us we have evolved and worked on ourselves. We have engaged in some sort of
personal development, marketing training, recruiting techniques and have graduated into a winner.

My definition of a winner is: A person who succeeds no matter what obstacles stand in their way!
They make it happen no matter what!

Winner List!

1. Do you go out and find people to talk to wherever you may be?
2. Do you say thank you when someone says “no” and does not join you business because they
were not the person you were looking for anyway?
3. Do you figure out a way to get the answer from another source instead of waiting on your upline
to figure it out for you?
4. Do you keep it moving and call your next lead when a person does not answer your follow-up
5. Do you support your other team members and be excited and supportive when no one shows
up at your home or hotel meeting for you?
6. Do you keep a positive attitude and a smile even when things are not going your way?
7. Do you work on yourself and try to become a better person and help other people succeed?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are definitely a winner! You should be proud of
yourself and how you have developed from the whiner to the winner circle. That is how you attract
winners by being one yourself. If you practice and develop the qualities in yourself that you want to see
in others, they will naturally be attracted to you and your business.

It may not be easy for everyone to do right away especially if you have whined for so long, but you can
do it. The top leaders in your company did not start off attracting other top leaders, they had to develop
themselves, and they had to work on their own personal development to get to where they are now.

It just boils down to how bad you want to succeed and what are you willing to do. If you want to never
be a success and always look at the negative side of things then stay a whiner. If you want to have
everything that you ever dreamed of and more, attract the people you would love to work with and be
on your team, then step out of your comfort zone, cross that finish line, and run the race of this thing
called life like you have never run it before. The people that you will start to attract into your life will
amaze you, so what will it be? Now I will ask you this question again, “Are you a whiner or a winner?”
It’s up to you!

P.S. If you are tired of struggling day in and day out, generating no leads and no money.
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