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Isabel Flynn
Mr. Harkins
United States of America History
The Men who built America Notes
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt bought his first boat at 16 for $100. He was known as a great business man. His single
boat soon became a fleet of boats. He began to transport goods. He soon became known as the
commodore because his ships reached all four corners of the United States. Vanderbilt soon
decided to sell all his ships to invest into the railroad industry. He soon made millions by doing
so. Vanderbilt soon became the richest man in the world, worth over $68 million. Tragedy struck
as Vanderbilt's son George died in the war. George was his favorite, and was the son who was
going to inherit the business. Now had to rely on his other son William who wasn't as bright.
Vanderbilt owned the only bridge that connected the US to New York. When he didn't get the
share he wanted from the other railroad company he shut down the bridge. Vanderbilt begins to
buy more and more NY Central shares for $20.
Vanderbilt now has the biggest rail company in America. He owned about 40% of the railroads in
America (named himself the railroad king) has grand central station built after his great
successes. Vanderbilt now wanted the Eerie Railroad system. He continued to buy more and
more stock. He soon found out that the millions of dollars in stock he had been buying was
watered down and lost $7 million.
He now needed new ways of making money so he began investing in transporting oil. Makes a
deal with John D. Rockefeller for 1.65 a barrel and 60 train cars a day.
Vanderbilt soon teams up with Scott to combat Rockefeller.
Vanderbilt dies at the age of 82.
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller was the man of the house at an early age. He sold candy to other kids his age
when he way younger. His family couldn't count on his father, therefore he had to support his
family at a young age. His dad told him not the trust anyone including him. Young Rockefeller
had to drop out of school to support his family.
Years later... Rockefeller was known as the oil man in Cleveland. At 27, He was on the edge of
making his refinery empire collapse. He needed to find a way to make money fast. Meets
Vanderbilt in New York to make a deal with his oil company. $1.65 a barrel and 60 train cars a
day. Rockefeller needed to find a new way of producing kerosene faster, his capacity was less
than half of what Vanderbilt wanted each day. Rockefeller realizes that oil has the potential to
change the world and make him rich. He knew that drilling for oil was a gamble but his insight
put his a step ahead of his competition. Finds that refining was better than drilling. Kerosene was
getting a bad name. Rockefeller came up with the famous business Standard Oil. Standard Oil
was in high demand and was calming down the public so more people would invest in his
business. Rockefeller soon owned the largest refiner of kerosene in the country. He soon got a
better deal from Tom Scott the he could've ever gotten from Vanderbilt.

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He soon wants to own every refinery in America. He begins by attempting to buy out his
competition because it would cost him less. He wanted to be on top (creating a monopoly)
because believed he could do it better than anyone else. He owned 90% of the refineries by the
time he was done.
Rockefeller wanted to find a new way to transport his oil and save more money transporting oil
throughout America. Created the pipeline system over 4000 miles long. He forever changed the
way oil is transported. Tom Scott saw this as an opportunity to create his own pipeline.
Rockefeller saw this as a declaration of war. So, he shut down all refineries in Pittsburgh.
Rockefeller knows that without his oil the railroads will struggle to survive. He had created the
largest empire in the country replacing Vanderbilt. Soon realizes that his kerosene is at risk
because of Thomas Edison. So he launches a new PR campaign to frighten the people so they
will continue to use kerosene won't let JP Morgan and Edison to put him out of business.
May have underestimated Electricity
Andrew Carnegie
When Tom Scott dies Carnegie is forced to rethink everything
He would be nothing without Scott
He was hired by him at the age of 12
Wanted to be in school but his family had no way of him surviving without him working
By age 24, hes promoted to manager of the company and helps Scott oversee that the
railroads reach the west
Carnegie has no idea how to build such a big bridge
Successfully builds it
Donates millions to Johnstown
Started building public monuments around the country
Leaves south Forks trying to recreate his image
Feels guilty about his club
Builds hall of preforming arts in NY
Was aware of Fricks aggressiveness which is why he put 3000 miles between them
Frick is shot
Prepares to go to war with Carnegie
Tells steel mill workers that conditions wont be improving
Blackmails the workers so theyll stop striking
Calls in special reinforcements
JP Morgan
Is a banker
His Father and him dominated the country in the banking industry by targeting failing
Was born into banking industry

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JP was taught at a young age that there was only one way to do things and that was the JP
Morgan way
Has a strained relationship with father
By age 40, JP wanted to create his own image
He doesnt want to simply buy businesses, he now wants to build them
He targeted Thomas Edison
Electricity and the lightbulb caught his eye
First house to ever run on electricity was his own
His dad was disappointed
He soon became a pioneer like Carnegie
Wanted to invest in the light bulb, but it went against everything his dad told him
Invests everything
$83 million invested in light company
Formed on of the first light companies
If he loses he risks his reputation and family name
His father wants him to sell his stakes that are associated with electricity
Father dies in a carriage crash
JP is in charge of the House of Morgan
With his father gone nothings holding him back
His net worth more than quadruples
plans to use hundreds of thousands of dollars to win the Niagara contract
Takes advantage of Westinghouses vulnerability
Convinced there is no longer competition for winning the Niagara power plant
Thomas Edison
Took 1000 tries to create the lightbulb
His lightbulb with revolutionize the world
Installed over 400 lightbulbs in JP Morgans house
Ignores assistant Teslas ideas
Pressure Morgan puts on him sends him down a dark path
Created the electric chair as a way to prove Teslas electricity was a hazard
Backfires on Edison

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