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Completa las frases con do, does, dont, doesnt (presente simple) o did, didnt, (pretrito
1. _____ she know Peter?
2. My grandfather _____ send text messages.
3. _____ you study Latin in school?
4. _____ you like fish?
5. Does she drink coffee? No, she _____.
6. They _____ play sports when they were children.
7. _____ she miss the bus this morning?
8. _____ it snow here very often?
9. Did you visit the Louvre? No, we _____.
10. Johns a vegetarian so he _____ eat meat.
11. Does he speak Italian? Yes, he _____.
12. _____ he live in London?
13. _____ you ring Karen about the party?
14. They _____ enjoy travelling and prefer to stay at home.
15. _____ you go on holiday last summer?
16. My children _____ karate once a week.
17. _____ she drive or take the bus to work?
18. We went shopping, but we _____ buy anything.
19. _____ they go to the cinema yesterday?
20. Do you wear a uniform to school? No, I _____.
21. Im afraid I _____ have much free time.
22. Did it rain when you were there? Yes, it _____.
23. I always _____ the washing up!
24. Im sorry. I _____ see you.
25. Shes very fit because she _____ aerobics.

1. Does
2. doesnt
3. Did
4. Do
5. doesnt
6. didnt
7. Did
8. Does
9. didnt
10. doesnt
11. does
12. Does
13. Did
14. dont
15. Did
16. do
17. Does
18. didnt
19. Did
20. dont
21. dont
22. did
23. do
24. didnt
25. does

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