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Discovery: Is designed to allow each party to ask the other party what they

know about the claim that has been asserted. Discovery may come in several
different forms.
Interrogatories: Consisting of written questions that either party may send to
the other
Requests for admissions: Narrow the issues of contention in the case.
Deposition: Oral examination that is conducted in the presence of a court
reporter. Involuntary act; the affidavit is voluntary.
Pretrial: Conference whit a judge. It is a Settlement conference.
Voir Dire: To speak truthfully. The parties have the opportunity to strike: for
cause or for peremptory.
Opening statement: Allow the attorneys to give the jury a road map of where
the case is going to.
Presentation of evidence: That evidence comes in two forms: presentation of
testimony or presentation of documents.
Marriage: Common law marriage, two people living together and representing
themselves as husband and wife. Ceremonial marriage, is the one performed
by an authorized official.
Corroboration requirement: The states require the testimony of one or both
parties corroborated by a third person in order to establish the grounds for
divorce. The state has an interest in preserving marriage.





Lashes: Statute limitation defense. Equitable defense.

Custody: Full custody or Join legal custody.
Child support: The court looks at several factors to determine what the amount
of that support will be. 18 to 21 years old.
Spousal support: Either party make a request for spousal support or alimony.
Probating a will: A will is a written statement signed by a person expressly
indicating his or her wishes regarding the disposition of this or her assets at

Executor: Is to gather all the assets of the decedent, report to the court what
those assets are, and then supervise the orderly distribution of those assets in
accordance whit the will.
Guardianship: Is establishing when a person is considered to be incompetent to
manage his o her own personal financial affairs and therefore needs to have a
guardian appointed.
Power attorney: Authorizes another person to act on your behalf.
Durable power of attorney: is a document signed by the person whose assets
are to be managed that expressly states that the power of attorney.
Checklist for Contracts: the identity of the parties, consideration, governing
law, time of the essence, survival, modification, waiver, severability,
Waiver: Is an intentional relinquishment of a known right.

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