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Base Words 6

Read the following sentences and notice the words in heavy type. Each one is a verb that
describes an action that is happening in the present.
My dog barks when he misses me. He blames me for being gone. When I come home, he
crouches behind the door and pounces on me. Then he dashes around and tries to bite my
Many verbs simply add the ending s to the base word to show that the action is happening in
the present. The words barks and blames aboye are examples. The other verbs add the
ending es. Here are sorne rules for forming verbs in the present tense.
Rule 1:
Rule 2:
Rule 3:
Rule 4:

Simply add the letter s to sorne verbs (bark, barks).

If a verb ends in eh, sh, or ss, add the ending es (miss, misses).
If a verb ends in silent e, drop the e and add es (blame, blames).
If a verb ends in a consonant and y, change the y to
i and add es (try, tries).
Number your paper from 1 to 14. Read the following sentences and look at the base word in
heavy type. Add the ending s or es to form a verb that shows action happening in the present.
Write the new word and the number of the rule that helped you choose the right ending.
1. Sofia polish her boots before marching with the bando
2. Gretchen cheer when her sister pitches well.
3. Josh empty the trash when his dad forgets.
4. The friendly baby kiss everyone who holds her.
5. Henry's raft float and bobs in the stream.
6. A tiny bird splash in the puddle while 1 watch.
7. The pond freeze before the river does.
8. Jody tease her pets too much and makes them mad.
9. William hurry home every day he has to babysit.
10. My little brother spy on me when 1 am with my friends.
11. A large ftock of geese pass over our house every spring.
12. Sandra work in the food store and saves her money.
13. Mr. Ozaki sweep the driveway before backing out the caro
14. Brenda catch the apples as they faH from the tree.

Number your paper from 15 to 34. Look at each base word below. Add s or es to form a
verb that tells what is happening now. Write the word.





25 . carry
26. jump
27. deliver
28. bless
29. balance
30. brush



31. satisfy
32. escape
33. enjoy
34. Express

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