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Activity for November 9th

Teacher:Ms. Jessica________Data/Date://
Subject: Mathematics Activity to be handed in by the end of class.

1) For each sentence below, write and graph an inequality. Remember to define
your variable.
a) Classes in School of the Nations can have at most 25 students.

b) In Brazil, you have to be at least 18 years old to get a driving license.

c) Ms Jessica travels more than 2 times each quarter.

2) For each graph below, write an inequality. Then, write a sentence that describes
a situation that can represent each graph.

3) Each po de queijo costs two reais at the cantina. The school is thinking of
offering a monthly po de queijo pass for 32 reais.
a) Write an inequality that represents the number of po de queijos you have to
buy in a month so that the monthly po de queijo pass is a better deal.

b) You eat about 20 po de queijos per month. Should you buy the monthly pass?

c) Solve the inequality and represent the solution set on the number line.

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