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Genital Warts (HPV)

It's not necessary to have sexual intercourse to get a sexually-transmitted disease (STD). The human papillomavirus (HPV) that causes
genital warts can be transmitted by close skin-to-skin contact. Some types of HPVs cause cervical or anal cancer, and vaccines are
available to protect against the most dangerous types. Other HPV types cause genital warts, which can be raised, flat, or cauliflowershaped. HPV infection can occur in people who have no symptoms or visible warts.

Pubic Lice (Crabs)

Pubic lice are colloquially known as "crabs." This name refers to the shape of these parasites, which is different from that of body lice.
Pubic lice live in pubic hair and are spread among people during close contact. Symptoms include severe itching, visible crawling lice,
or eggs attached to pubic hair. Pubic lice can be treated with over-the-counter lice-killing medications.

Gonorrhea (The Clap)

Gonorrhea is an easily transmissible STD that affects both men and women. It can cause infertility in men and women when untreated.
There may be no early symptoms of the infection. When symptoms develop, they can include burning during urination, vaginal or
urethral discharge, and pelvic pain in women. Men may experience swelling of the testes and discharge from the penis. In some cases,
the symptoms are mild and the condition is mistaken for a urinary tract infection or yeast infection.

Syphilis can be cured with antibiotics, but many people don't notice the early symptoms. It can lead to nerve damage, blindness,
paralysis, and even death over time if not treated. The first sign is typically a painless sore on the genitals or anal area. It is usually
round and firm. A rash can develop later on the soles of the feet, palms, or other parts of the body. Other symptoms can include
enlarged lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, or hair loss. Late-stage syphilis can cause damage to many different organ systems.

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1

Cold sores or "fever blisters" on the lips are a sign of herpes virus infection, usually caused by the type of herpes virus known as human
herpes virus 1, or HHV-1. HHV-1 is usually not an STD, and it can be spread through kissing or household contact. It can also spread to
the genitals. There is no cure for herpes infection, but medications can reduce the severity and duration of outbreaks.

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2

In contrast to HHV-1, most genital herpes infections are caused by a different virus known as HHV-2. It is spread through direct contact
and is considered to be an STD. Symptoms include painful, fluid-filled blisters and crusted sores on the genital area, buttocks, thighs, or
anus. The infection can spread to the lips through oral contact. As with HHV-1, medications can reduce the severity of the condition, but
there is no cure.

Trichomonas is a parasitic infection that is spread during sexual contact. It affects both men and women and can be cured with
medications. Most affected men have no specific symptoms, but some have minor discharge or burning with urination. Women may
have a yellowish-green vaginal discharge with a prominent odor, itching of the vaginal area, or pain with sex or urination. Symptoms
can develop anywhere from 5 to 28 days after contracting the infection.

The HIV virus (AIDS virus) weakens the body's immune system. It is spread through sexual contact, needle sharing, or from an infected
mother to baby. There may be no symptoms for years, but a blood test can tell if you have been infected. With appropriate treatment,
many serious illnesses can be prevented. Some people have flu-like symptoms 1 to 2 months after they become infected, like swollen
lymph nodes, fever, and headaches.

There are accurate tests to identify whether or not you have been infected with the HIV virus. These can be done in the clinic or at
home with the FDA-approved Home Access test kit. The test can be performed anonymously, with only a number to identify you.
However, sometimes people may not test positive in the initial 6 months after infection. This time period is referred to as the "window
period" in which antibodies may not have developed enough for a positive test. You can still transmit the virus to others during this time.

HIV/AIDS Treatment Options

While there is no cure for HIV, there are medications that can suppress the amount of virus multiplying inside the body. People take a
combination of antiviral drugs in hopes of preventing the infection from advancing to AIDS. Additional treatments can help prevent or
fight off serious infections, if the immune system has weakened.

Who's at Risk for STDs?

It's estimated that half of sexually active young adults acquire an STD by age 25. While STDs are more common in teens and young
adults, anyone who is sexually active is at risk. The risk is raised by having multiple sex partners. The incidence of some STDs,
including LGV and syphilis, is rising in men who have sex with men.

Can Virgins Get STDs?

Many STDs can spread through any type of sexual activity. This includes skin-to-skin contact and oral sex. This means that people who
have not yet had sexual intercourse can still get STDs.

Preventing STDs
Abstinence from any sexual contact is the only absolute way to prevent getting an STD. Being in a long-term, monogamous relationship
also is a good way to avoid STDs. There are also steps you can take to decrease the chance of getting an STD if you are sexually
active, including:

Asking partners if they have ever had an STD

Using condoms

Avoiding sexual activity with a partner who has signs of an STD

Asking partners to be tested before having sex

Being aware of symptoms and signs of STDs

The Limits of Condoms

Condoms can prevent the spread of some STDs, but they aren't 100% effective. They are less effective at protecting against herpes,
syphilis, and genital warts, since these STDs can be transmitted by contact with skin lesions that are not covered by a condom.
Condoms also do not protect against crabs and scabies infestations.

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