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June-August 2015

Minters Unlimited Newsletter

Its Summertime!
Our First summer function in what seems like forever is coming up on Saturday,
July 11, 2015. We will be having a fish fry at the home of Charlie Jr. and Emily.
The menu will include Fish, hotdogs ,coleslaw, potato salad and hash browns.
The coals will be hot if you would like to bring something to throw on the grill!

Mama Lee Lee Turns 96!

In May we celebrated Mama Lee Lees 96th birthday. We had a great time
celebrating click here to view pictures

Q: Why do you go to
A: Because the bed

wont come to you!

- B. C. Minter

Its a Girl!
For those of you who did not know Wayne and Nikki are expecting a baby
girl very soon! Congratulations Wayne and Nikki!

In This Issue



Spotlight On

Ask Ki-Ki

Meeting Minutes

June Birthdays
3rd Charles Stinso IV
4th Gloria Minter
Wayne Walker
6th Shondra Etheridge
11th Spencer Bailey
18th Al Davis
22nd Jerrod Etheridge
25th Larry Clemmons

July Birthdays

Spotlight on
In this issue we would like to shine the light on our graduate, Khari Stinson! Education has always been important to our family. We would like to
wish Khari success and encourage him to keep moving forward.
Keep moving forward, opening doors, and doing new
things Your curiosity will lead you down the path of suc-

26th Khari Stinson

27th Dorothy Jean Davis
Nichelle Bailey

August Anniversaries
27th Larry & Liz Clemmons

Walt Disney

Its called a story for a reason

If anyone would like to highlight an event or person, send us an email,
along with a picture if you like, and we will feature it in the next issue.
Kiana -
Shondra -

Happy Birthday

Riddle Me This
What day will you never see

Lets see how smart you

are...send us your guess to
Find out the answer in next
months issue

Ki-Kis Cor ner

Ask Ki-Ki
Want some advice about what not to wear, or help with a
good recipe...then Ask Ki-Ki!
Send a submission to and I
will choose a question to answer in the next newsletter.

Meeting Minutes
Nichelle received the contract for the Christmas party. The date for the
Party is December 26, 2015.
Deposit of $100 is due. Total cost for 6 hours is $180

Contact Us
Give us a call for more
information about our

Summer function is scheduled for July 11, 2015.

Our summer function will be a fish fry at the home of Charlie Jr. and Emily
at 1:00
Summer Function needs to be either 1-6 pm or 2-7 more than 5
hours. We may need more tables and chairs.

Contact Ki-Ki @
(678) 232-1784

The top will be off the hot tub.

They need help cleaning up afterwards. No need to buy plastic forks.
Brian will ask about speakersiPods and tablets
Dorothy Jean collected money from the Stinsons 9 people paid so she
has a check for $90 and Larry has it. She has also paid for 4 people for a
total of $130.
Bunny and Ronald both say okay, they will pay soon. Aunt Beverly will
speak to Paris and Gloria.
Fryers for the Fish Fry. Aunt Beverly and Marvin say there is one at Mama
Lee Lees house that is a double-sided and this is the better one to use.
Marvin has one, Donald has one, Jesse has one so if we need others, we
have them.
Aunt Beverly suggests that we have a sterno tray to keep it warm and use
the double one and maybe one more.
Cards, Dominoes, Horseshoes, Volleyball/Badminton We need a schedule for adults to be in the pool with children 5 people 1 per hour We
need a schedule for the fish fryer
Caterer Wayne provided name of caterer Time To Dine - O: (770)
384-1904, Wayne will call Nichelle will call a caterer suggested by
Marvin - M Brian brought $100 check for deposit on Sigma Zeta Foundation home for Holiday party. Nichelle will mail check with contract by
Wednesday, June 24th .

Minters Unlimited

Email us
@ :mintersunlimited @

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