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Time Travel to Pre-Colonial US

Travel back in time when Native Americans were the only people living in the country.
You will live with one of these tribes. You do not want them to suspect that you came from the
future. What will you need to know about the tribe you are living with before your time travel
Your goal is to create a book about traveling back in time to live with a Native American
Indian tribe in the pre-Columbian era. Using the information you will gather, you will write
about your time travel adventure. Your story book will include information about the tribe, your
adventure, and illustrations. Your story book has a minimum of 101 pages (excluding whole
page illustrations; there may only be on illustration per page and must not be more than half of
the size of the page to be considered a text page). Illustrations may be a full page or at most half
a page and may be hand drawn, painted or done using computer programs. Final output will be
type written text in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing and justified. You will also need to
come up with your books title, cover page, dedication page, acknowledgements page, glossary
and bibliography.
You will work individually. Your presentation will be through story telling. You will
read your story to the class and be able to answer any question they have within 10 minutes. At
the end of all the projects, as a class, we will list all the tribes on the board and should be able to
analyze similarities and differences among the tribes.
You will present the rough draft of your story at the end of the third week of the project,
November 12. On the fourth week, you will be revising your story and you should already be
typing these down for final output and composing your illustrations. On the last week, you
should be finalizing your whole story including all the other parts as well as the illustrations. Be
sure to practice reading your book before your presentation date.

You are given 5 weeks to work on this project. You may work both in school and at home. Your
schedule of presentation is as follows:
December 7 December 8 December 9 December 10 1

Note that the 10 pages already includes the following: book cover, dedication page,
acknowledgements page, glossary page and bibliography page. These are single page parts of
your book. Therefore, you only need to write a minimum of 5 pages of text.

Not including the Thanksgiving break in November.

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