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From the Tee to the

Green: The Story of Alex

While the Boys Varsity Golf team may have ended its 2015 season at sectionals placing 5th
overall, one member of the team, Alex Vegh, was able to make it onto districts after shooting a
school record of 69. This only adds to the many other accomplishments Alex has achieved over
the years, such as committing to play for Austin Peay State University.
Alex began playing the sport of golf about five years ago with his father. I always went out, but
I really never took it (golf) seriously, he said.
However, Alexs attitude towards golf began to change when he got older. I kind of just decided
I wanted to take golf seriously and I then set goals for myself he said.
Those goals he set to improve upon his golf game would go to pay off as Alex would make the
middle school golf team and the GLHS Boys Varsity Golf team in his freshmen year.
While many golfers would feel very pleased about making it onto the varsity golf team, Alex
continued to push his goals higher and higher, eventually scoring him a big opportunity. For
Alexs junior year of high school, he attended the International Junior Golf Academy located in
Hilton Head, South Carolina.
You would have eight instructors with about 10 students each and you would go to school until
about 12:20 and after that you golf for the rest of the day until 5, he said.
With nice weather nearly all year long and always hitting off real grass, the three and a half hour
golf instruction everyday lead to good progress Alex said.
However, by the end of the year, Alex and his family began to analyze whether or not it was
worth it for him to continue in the golf academy.
I wanted to finish out my high school career here (in Gahanna), he said. After much
deliberation, Alex decided to return to Gahanna and the boys varsity golf team, but coming into
his senior year golf season with more knowledge and experience in the sport compared to before
he went to the golf academy.

You take the way you practice and you bring it here and you make a lot of progress basically in
a short amount of time. Its just really efficient, Alex said.
All of Alexs experience from the golf academy helped translate into a better season for the
boys varsity golf team, with the team winning many of its matches and regularly being placed in
the top 5 for major tournaments.
Alex is really good. He shot low scores when he needed to and helped out the team, senior
captain Mike Kittel said.
Alex also said the team has a really close relationship and theyre basically like my brothers its
pretty cool.
After graduating from high school, Alex plans on attending Austin Peay State University a top60
division 1 golf team and playing golf for them.
Theyre a D1 team and after that I plan on going to the pro tour, thats my goal, he said.
In Alexs words, If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

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