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Task 2 LO1

The Cleansed
The woods this is signified by various outdoor background noise like wind rain
and wolves howling, the producers of this show were very detailed as the
soundscape is highly immersive including small noises like a zip when a
character opens a tent. It is unclear where exactly in the world it is set but due to
the Sci-Fi genre which this falls into I can understand why it is unclear, all the
characters are well spoken with American accents.
Speech and Words
The emotions I gather from the speech is that the characters are always slightly
scared or worried, especially in the case of the main character Luke who seems
constantly unsteady plagued by nightmares. Luke is struggling to come to terms
with his reality and is unsure what he has to do in order to survive. In what I
listened to he has nightmare flashing back to his childhood when his mother is
eaten by wolves, he is then awoken and taught how to use a gun which he does
with surprising ease. Although all the characters are considered safe in this
scene I can tell from the wavering tone of his voice that he is concerned about
the wolves. The most notable and effective use of characterisation is seen in the
beginnings of the drama when the characters are escaping from the wolves, a
Childs voice is used extensively and the terrified shrieks and the calling of
'mummy' tells us that the main character of the drama was once a scared little
boy and we can see that the fear of wolves has remained with him as a grown
man he becomes jittery when he hears their howls. we can understand through
the varied voices of the cast that the characters cover a wide variety of ages for
example in the early flashback scene when the cast is running to shelter we hear
mixed low into the background the sounds of an old man discussing the
conditions of the last shelter 'Hopefully this will be a step up from the last
bungalow we stayed in' the wrenching wheezing tone of voice of this character
tied with the heavy breathes and emphasis communicate his old age to the
the music when used is eerie and creepy, this creates a sense of tension for the
audience and communicates the constant uneasiness experienced by the
character. the music fits into the dramatic reconstruction of the woods and it
sounds ghostly and almost like it is being carried along on the wind. The music
adds a second highly effective layer which helps along with dramatic
reconstruction, the listener to imagine their surroundings as the producers of the
show intended.
Blind Man's Confession
we can hear straight away that the setting is a quiet dark night. I can tell this
from the use of lashing rain and thunder, we can also visualise that the main
character is driving quickly from the use of screeching tires and blaring rock
music. This radio drama uses highly intricate sound scaping to help immerse the
audience in the story like when the main characters vehicle veers of the cliff into
the lake we hear the water rush and rise muffling out the sounds of the radio and
the rain until the main character surfaces and we can hear the thunder crack

again, we get the sense that as an audience we are riding shotgun with him and
are getting a first person view of the action
we can sense how quickly the character changes from his voice. At the very start
of the drama he is cocky, confident and lives life on the edge, however
immediately after he crashes he becomes skittish and scared and nervous of all
of his surroundings i can tell this from his wavering tone of voice. As an audience
we suspect the prisoner because of his rasping and creepy voice. he talks in a
deep and grinding voice using assonance to stress certain words like trigger.
There are two unnamed characters in this drama the villain and the protagonist. I
believe the writers did not name these characters to produce a sense of mystery
and to make the villain even scaring, being a nameless identity-less person
would be more threatening than someone we knew everything about.
Music is used for dramatic effect in this radio drama for example when the
narrator uses the word 'fear' intense music suddenly begins playing. it is the
same with the beggining of the flashback to the night of the incident we hear
music that mirrors the initial personality of the character as heard through the
intense rock music.
Silence is used to create an eerie effect and causes tension, for example when
the narrator says 'the only thing i didn't account for was the other car ' the music
cuts out and we can't hear anything the next thing we hear is the painful sound
of screeching tyres and the sound of the protagonists vehicle tumbling down the

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