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Ficha a Race, Empire and the idea of human development de Thomas

Developmental thinking has proved to be rather adaptable and thus
quite serviceable in rationalizing the various truncations of universal
Rights and obligations thatt colonial domination and explotation
required. Moreover, the putatively scientific status of theories of
development has lent a naturalistic aura to socially constructed
hierarchies, thus deflecting moral assessment and political critique. In
this and other ways, the refraction of liberal ideals in the medium of
developmental theory has made in rhetorically possible to combine
universalism in the principle with Eurocentrism in practice. Pp 169
from the anthropological-historical standpoint of reflective judgment,
he (Kant) argued that the only way to make sense of human history
was in terms of the gradual diffusion of an asymmetrical development
centered in Europe. P 169
The combination of developmentalism with was deployed by
progressive liberalism as a justification for empire from the beginning,
and not by chance; for the general accounts of history and society
that served this purpose were always interpretations from a
practically engaged point of view. They reflected the nature of
Europeans` contacts with non-European societies from the voyages of
discovery onwards. And given a hermeneutic standpoint shaped by
their growing superiority of force and by their growing confidence in
the superiority of force and by their growing confidence in the
superiority of their culture and institutions, that is not surprising. The
imbalances of power of various sorts formed a context in which the
autonomy and equal respect required in theory could not be
effectively demanded in practice. As colonial powers usually could not
be forced to negotiate differences on equal terms, they were disposed
to interpret them in hierarchical and temporal terms. Other societies
and cultures became earlier stages of development, p179





202, idea de modernizacin a propsito de las teoras estructural

funcionalistas de los 50-60

202, caracterizacion de la democracia promovida por esta idea de



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