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Part One - Toddler Activity Plan 12:30 Afternoon Lab

Toddler Lab Name: WF Afternoon Lab

Lead Teaching Dates: March 26-28

Part One Lead Teacher: Brittney

Part Two Lead Teacher: Sam

Check In & Out/Booth: Travis

Greeter: Paulina

Photographer/Videographer: Candace

Snack Person: Raegan



1 Draft
Final Draft

TTD Chapter(s) Highlighted & Lab Activity Area: Chapter 14- Mimicking and Pretending. In my activity plan the areas that will focus
on pretend play will be found in the dramatic play area where student will have the opportunity to pretend to be construction
workers, in the flop-and-drop area where they will have the chance to mimic a teacher as they read a book and act out the story
lines, and in the outdoor gross motor area where they will have the change to pretend to be driving through traffic.
Toddler Pre-Assessment:
Benson likes to dance, play in the sensory table, and play hide and seek. His goal is to learn two colors, red and blue, by telling you
what they are when you ask him, by the end of the semester. Max likes to color, play with cars, building things, playing with Legos,
and doing puzzles. His goal is to be able to make one-to-one correspondence with 1-5 objects and numbers by April. Kai likes to read
books, and play with cars and blocks. His goal is to use 1-2 understandable words/phrase once daily by the end of toddler lab.
Having Kaleidoscopes blocks and airplanes in in the block area will provide Benson, Max, and Kai with the opportunity to work on
their goals. As Benson plays with the blocks and airplanes, teachers can ask him questions like if you look through this block what
color will you see? or could you hand Max the red block? When Max is playing with the airplanes a teacher can ask him how
many airplanes there are, or when he is playing with the blocks a teacher can ask him to hand them 5 blocks. Kai can work on his
goal as he is playing with the airplanes and blocks a teacher can ask him what he is playing with (i.e. airplanes, or blocks) or what he
is building (i.e. a tower).
Jaasiel likes to paint, go down the slide, and hammer thing. His goal is to use two word phrases in English at least 1 time each lab.
Duncan likes to play with trains, trucks and cars, animals, and catch big balls. His goal is to communicate using a 3 or more word
phrase at least once each lab by the end of the semester. Blaine likes being chased, reading books, climbing and jumping, looking at
pictures of himself, building things, and sports. His goal is to count to 5 once a day by using one-to-one correspondence. Having hard
hats, construction vests, and building tools will provide Jaasiel, Duncan, and Blaine with the opportunity to work on their goal. As
Jaasiel plays with the hammer and other building tools teachers can ask him questions like what sound does a hammer make when
it hits something or they can describe things that he is wearing or that he is doing and have him repeat what you say back to you
(like hard hat, build, or work). As Duncan is pretending to be a construction worker teachers can ask him things like what are you
building? or what tools are you using? to help facilitate communication as well as using expansion with everything he says.
Blaine will work on his goal as he builds with construction tools and materials. Teachers can ask Blaine how many times he is turning
a screw, or how many times he has to hammer a nail. This will give Blaine the opportunity to use counting as he is playing.
Cozette likes to eat snacks, play with puzzles, and at the sensory table. Her goal is to use one to two word phrases at least once a
day during lab by the end of the semester. Jace likes to dance, play ball, play at the sensory table, read books, and play outside. His
goal is to demonstrate awareness of behavior and its effect on others by sharing with peers 2 out of 3 times daily. Rhett likes to play
make believe, and dance. His goal is to use one to two word phrases at least once a day during lab by the end of the semester.
Having books and make-believe materials in the flop-and-drop area will help Cozette, Jace, and Rhett work on their goals. As
teachers read books they can ask Cozette and Rhett questions related to the story or have them repeat back words (i.e. star or
goose) or phrases to help build their vocabulary. Jace can also work on his goal in this area by reading a book with his peers and
taking turns choosing what book to read next, or playing with the different props.
Claire likes to play dress up, jump, read books, play with puzzles and play outside. Her goal is to parallel play or play near another
toddler for 1 min at least 2 times a day. Ainsley likes to play hide and seek, read books, jump, play with blocks and animals, and go
down the slide. Her goal is to use two to three word phrases at least once a day during lab by the end of the semester. Isabeau likes
to go down the slide, be pushed in a car, and jump. Her goal is to use one to two word phrases at least once a day during lab by the
end of the semester. Having trampolines in the gross motor area will help Claire, Ainsley, and Isabeau work on their goals. We can
encourage Claire to work on her goal in this area by having her jump next to a peer on the trampoline. As Ainsley jumps on the
trampoline we can encourage her to say things like Im jumping high or can I have a turn by asking her questions like what are
you doing? or you need to ask if its your turn yet. While Isabeau is jumping teachers can encourage her to say words like jump,
my turn, all done, and please by asking her questions in this center.
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Arrival/Check In


Free Play/Activity Centers

12:30 12:40
_______ 12:30 1:25

Flop & Drop Book Area

Set-up: Brittney
Title: A Whole New World
Activity Outcome: IELG D5 G58: This activity supports the child indicator of handling books with purpose and care.
Description: In this Center, children will have the opportunity to read books that talk about make believe stories and then act out
those stories. Teachers can help facilitate this by reading a story that a child chooses and then asking them questions related to the
book (i.e. if you were a star, what would you do? or what is mother goose talking about?). In this area Cozette, Rhett, and Jace
will be working on their goal. As teachers read books they can ask Cozette and Rhett questions related to the story or have them
repeat back words (i.e. star or goose) or phrases to help build their vocabulary. Jace can also work on his goal in this area by reading
a book with his peers and taking turns choosing what book to read next and playing with the different props.
Materials: Fantasy Dress Up Wands and Hats (WR Yellow 52), Tulle (WR Beautiful Junk).
Book: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star by Anthea Sieveking (WR T S5), Babys Mother Goose by Alice Schlesinger (WR T S2), Just a Dream
by Chris Van Allsburg (WR V3).
Block Center
Set-up: Brittney
Title: Do You See What I See?
Activity Outcome: IELG D1 G14: This activity supports the child indicator of stacking, building, and knocking down blocks.
Description: In this center, children will have the opportunity to build with kaleidoscope blocks and see things in a new color, as well
as to play with airplanes in the structures that they build. Teachers can help facilitate play in this area by showing them that when
they look through the blocks they will see things in new colors and asking questions like when you look through this block, what
color do you see? Max, Benson, and Kai will work on their goals in this area. As Benson plays with the blocks and airplanes,
teachers can ask him questions like if you look through this block what color will you see? or could you hand Max the red block?
When Max is playing with the airplanes a teacher can ask him how many airplanes there are, or when he is playing with the blocks a
teacher can ask him to hand them 5 blocks. Kai can work on his goal as he is playing with the airplanes and blocks a teacher can ask
him what he is playing with (i.e. airplanes, or blocks) or what he is building (i.e. a tower).
Materials: Kaleidoscope Blocks (WR Blue 43), Airplanes (WR Blue 38).
Book: Air by David Bennett (WR B18).
Make Believe Play
Set-up: Paulina
Title: Lets Build Something
Activity Outcome: IELG D1 G2: This activity supports the child indicator of playing with costumes and acting out roles.
Description: In this center, hard hats, construction vests, and building tools will be set out for the children to pay with. The children
will have the opportunity to pretend to be builders by wearing hard hats and hammering or screwing things together. Teachers will
challenge some of the older children to build more complex things, and to show some of the younger children how to screw things
together. Jaasiel, Duncan, and Blaine will work on their goals in this area. As Jaasiel plays with the hammer and other building tools
teachers can ask him questions like what sound does a hammer make when it hits something or they can describe things that he is
wearing or that he is doing and have him repeat what you say back to you (like hard hat, build, or work). As Duncan is pretending to
be a construction worker teachers can ask him things like what are you building? or what tools are you using? to help facilitate
communication as well as using expansion with everything he says. Blaine will work on his goal as he builds with construction tools
and materials. Teachers can ask Blaine how many times he is turning a screw, or how many times he has to hammer a nail. This will
give Blaine the opportunity to use counting as he is playing
Materials: Hard Hats (WR Yellow 21), Traffic Vests (WR Yellow 18), Bolt Together Builder (RR1 Salmon 18), Plastic Hammer and Nails
(RR1 Salmon 32).
Book: Machines at Work by Byron Barton (WR B10).
Gross Motor Center
Set-up: Paulina
Title: Touching the Sky
Gross Motor Activity Outcome: IELG D2 G17 This activity supports the child indicator of jumping in place.
Description: In this center, there will be two trampolines set out for the children to jump on. This activity will give the children the
opportunity to jump and work on their gross motor skills and their turn taking skills. A Teacher will have to be stationed in this
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center to prevent accidents and other children from pushing each other. Claire, Ainsley, and Isabeau will work on their goals in this
center. We can encourage Claire to work on her goal in this area by having her jump next to a peer on the trampoline. As Ainsley
jumps on the trampoline we can encourage her to say things like Im jumping high or can I have a turn by asking her questions
like what are you doing? or you need to ask if its your turn yet. While Isabeau is jumping teachers can encourage her to say
words like jump, my turn, and please by asking her questions in this center.
Materials: 2 Trampolines (GG)
Book: Jump, Frog, Jump! By Robert Kalan (WR K1)
1:23 Class 2 Minute Warning & Clean-up Music
Whole Group Clean-up: Everyone cleans up
1:25 1:35
Lead Teachers: Brittney and Sam
Description: We will play the clean-up warning song 2 minutes before its time to clean up. Then the clean-up song, Childrens
Clean-up Song will play as teachers and children clean-up and put toys away.
Children will be involved by: Singing and cleaning up their messes and the toys they were playing with.
Materials: CD player and CD with music (in lab cupboard)
Transition to Music Activities (Brittney and Sam):
Description: Teachers will sing the transition song Its time to go to music, Go to the corner and then sit,
Then we will have some fun, fun, fun! to the tune of Ring around the Rose to help the children gather in the gathering area.
Children will be involved by: Singing along and moving to the gathering area.
Materials: N/A
Music & Movement Activities (Brittney and Sam)
1:35 1:40
Music/Movement Activity #1: Child choice from music box
Title: Lets Sing a Song!
Activity Outcome: IELG D5 G56: This activity supports the child indicator of repeating a refrain from a song heard before and
anticipates action to accompany a song.
Description: The teacher will select one child to pick a song from the music box to sing. The teacher may select 4-5 songs from
the box for the child to choose from so that there are not too many choices. This will depend on the child selected
to choose the song. We will do this twice so two songs will be sung during gathering time.
Children will be involved by: The children will be involved by singing the song, holding their props and doing the actions to the
Materials: Lab music box and CD player (located on top of cupboard)
Music & Movement Activity #2: Childs choice from music box
Title: What Should I Choose?
Activity Outcome: IELG D1 G16: This activity supports the child indicator of expressing emotion and experience through movement,
drawing, music, or singing.
Description: The teacher will have 4-5 songs that the children have already learned prepared for children to choose from on a tray.
The teacher will then choose a child to come up and pick a song that they would like to sing. After a child has picked a song we will
quickly hand out the appropriate props to the children and sing that song.
Children will be involved by: The children will be involved by singing the song, holding their props and doing the actions to the
Materials: Lab music box and CD player (located on top of cupboard)
Transition to Outside (Brittney):
Description: Children will line up at the door and get ready to go outside by putting on their coats. Teachers will help the children
grasp the rope and sing while the children walk to the outside play area. Teachers and Students will sing To outside play we go, to
outside play we go! Hi ho the dairy oh, to outside play we go! to the tune of A-Hunting we will go.
Children will be involved by: Putting on their coats (with assistance if needed), holding on to the rope as they line up at the door,
and singing along as we walk outside
Materials: Coats, hats, and gloves hanging in cubbies, rope (behind classroom door), emergency backpack (behind classroom door)
Outdoor Activities

1:40 2:00
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Fine Motor Center

Set-up: Travis
Title: Small to Big
Fine Motor Activity Outcome: IELG D1 G9: This activity supports the child indicator of looking in several places for a desired object,
or when asked to find an object.
Description: There will be magnifying glasses lying out on the grass in the playground. The children will have the opportunity to
explore all the things around them and get a closer look at some familiar things and some new things. Teachers can demonstrate
how to use a magnifying glass and show them cool things that they can look at.
Materials: Magnifying Glasses (RR1 Lime Green 8).
Gross Motor Center
Set-up: Travis
Title: Traffic Violation
Gross Motor Activity Outcome: IELG D1G14: This activity supports the child indicator of starting to play with wagons, tricycles, and
push toys.
Description: There will be toddler cars and traffic signs set out for the children to play with. The children will have the opportunity to
move around in cars and follow the actions that the signs tell them to do. This will give teachers the opportunity to explain what
traffic sings are and how each one has a different meaning like the red sign means that we need to stop.
Materials: 4-5 Toddler Cars (Large Shed), Traffic Signs (Large Shed).
Check out/Parent Pick-up

1:45 - 2:00

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