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Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Selirik, 96800 Kapit.

Science Form 1
Paper 2
Final Examination
Duration: 1 Hour and 30 Minutes

Name : .

Class: ..

1) This paper contains three sections. Section A, and B.
2) Your answer should be written in this paper.


This paper contains 12 printed pages

Prepared by,

Checked by,

Miss Nor Azlin binti Ibrahim,

Catherine Ting Leh Mee,

Science teacher,

Ketua Panitia Sains ,

SMK Selirik.

SMK Selirik,


( ..)

Approved by,
Robert Nyalan
Guru Kanan Sains & Matematik,
SMK Selirik,
( )

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