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BTEC 2012

Unit 1 The Online World

Name: .

Lesson 11 Data Storage

1. What is a database structure made out of?

It is made out of a table, records, fields and data type

2. Explain what is meant be each of the following terms.

It is a collection of rows and columns and made up of small entities called cells

A database record is a row of data in a database table consisting of a single value from each column of
data in the table. The data in the columns in a table are all of the same type of data, whereas the rows
In a database, the field is the smallest source of input for users to enter data.
A relationship exists between two database tables when one table has a foreign key that references the primary
key of another table

3. Name the various data types that are used in databases.

Numeric data types
The string data type
The byte data type
The Boolean data type
Databases use relationships to link different tables together as shown below.

BTEC 2012
Unit 1 The Online World

Name: .

4. What is a primary key?

The primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each record in the table.

5. What is a foreign key?

A foreign key is a field in a relational table that matches the primary key column of another table
6. What kind of relationships can tables have between each other?
One-to-many relationship, Many-to-many relationship and one-to-one relationship
7. How might an online database be used?
Databases are used to store data also providing modification & retrieval of data in an efficient manner. Databases
is used everywhere like in Railways, Airports, Schools, Hospitals, Business etc
8. What is a DBMS? What does it do?
database management system, program that is designed as the means of managing all databases that
are currently installed on a system hard drive or network
9. Name some common database management systems that are used:
software AG

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