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Action Items-Louisiana Recovery Authority-March 11, 2010



The COA, through its policies and determinations, expresses interest in the vitality of
its release of information and informative approach to the public on issues that affect
the health, welfare, and safety of its employees and all citizens. This policy is adopted
in the same spirit and is intended to promote a safe, transparent, and secure


Government business should be open to public scrutiny, while fostering innovation,

inclusiveness, and energy. When possible and in accord with other laws regarding
personnel matters-and very select circumstances for litigation strategy, public safety
or to protect competition-each contract, negotiation, or piece of business or
legislation should be open to public scrutiny at all stages.


As a rule of construction for this team, please note media and officials with whom
you deal can make multiple requests to other officials on the same issue, potentially
use gleaned information in different contexts, and, unintentionally, create the
appearance of contradictory policies; therefore, this team will speak through one
organ: the office of the Mayor or the designated government relations team member.
This is an express understanding by your inclusion, and any unauthorized statements
will result in immediate termination from the team given the danger of presenting
Alliance strategies in error. For that reason and so that the public can rely on
statements of administrative policy being issued from officials with the appropriate
authority, the staff strives to speak with one voice regarding policy matters. This
team will do so as welL All contacts with media, public officials, or any official
stakeholders will be accomplished through the designated government affairs team
member. This is critical for continuity, streamlining and protocoL Illegal, unethical,
or immoral demands upon the team are not subject to any policy and shall be
divulged to any persons inquiring. ''Whistle-blowing'' is an exception to any policy.

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