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Published by Alvin Huang
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Visualization: What Is It?
The Purpose Of Visualization
Why It Works
How It Works
Preliminary Steps
A Simple Step-By-Step Formula
Power Tips on Visualization

Welcome to the Universal Secret.

I am very happy to see you take the first step in requesting for this report. All
that I ask is that you open your mind to accepting what I have to share.
I am extremely grateful to have been blessed with great health, amazing
relationships with my family and also comfortable amounts of wealth.
And it wouldn't have been possible if I had not opened up my mind and ideals
to accepting the use of this special technique that I will be sharing with you
shortly. The technique is called creative visualization.
It's highly possible that you might have even heard of it or even tried it before.
But please allow me to refresh your mind on this specific technique of
And if you follow the exact steps that I share with you. I promise you that you
will be very pleased with the results that you can achieve with this.
I have enjoyed great success with this specific creative visualization technique
and I am only too happy to share it with you. Let's get started.
Yours Truly,
Alvin Huang
Founder of

Visualization: What Is It?

Visualization is the power to create your own reality in advance. Truth is you
are 100% responsible for the results and conditions of your life. You can blame
your upbringing, your neighborhood, your boss, or how a 4th grade teacher
destroyed your self esteem but none of it matters. What youve experienced
up until this point is simply the result of how youve used your God-given
mental powers in the past. But all that can change in an instant if you simply
hear me out and take action on these ideas.
Just as your current results are a barometer of your past thoughts, your future
results will be in direct correspondence with how you think from this day
You control the switch that directs your life. If you dont like what youve got, or
you want more, simply change your thinking. Thats what visualization does for
you. Its the greatest power there is because its the catalyst to any future result
imaginable. Theres nothing mysterious about this at all; youre simply using
Natural Law. By thinking, feeling and picturing results as you want them, you are
using the great invisible power to call into existence the circumstances and
things you want.
Visualization is the Law of Attraction in action. You create the image of what you
want and think of it often. By doing so with feeling and enthusiasm, your mental
image evolves and combines with Universal Energy in a specific direction to
create in your physical world, exactly what you thought into it.
Visualization is the key to using the LAW of ATTRACTION and this is the only
way anything can be created. Everything tangible and intangible thing began as
a thought or an idea. This is a foundational principle of the universe. Its also
the key to a lifetime of freedom freedom from the shackles of self-imposed
The power to imagine a picture to hold it and to accept it as already having
been attained is an Aladdins Lamp to those with a determination and will.
You create your reality in advance by picturing circumstances as you desire
them to be and then releasing that image to the Universal Energy of life. Name
it and claim it. Visualization is the practical application of absolute science and
the power of thought.

The Purpose of Visualization

Theres only one reason for incorporating visualization into your daily routine
and that is to attract things, people, and conditions you want into your life. Its
equally important to use this great creative tool to stop attracting unwanted
results. With regular visualization, your desired picture is reproduced in your
physical world, just as you imagined it.
You can get everything you want out of life through the effective use of
visualization. Rely on this powerful tool and trust in the never-ending supply of
Creative Power and youll be happier than youve ever been before. The more
you see things only as you wish them to be, the greater your confidence in the
law and the greater your manifestation.
Visualization is the great secret to success. Most people either think its too
simple or too complicated so they dont bother to use this precious tool.
Sadly most live lives of mediocrity. What they dont realize is that theyre
using these same principles every day. But they happen to be doing so
With visualization, you possess the means of liberation within yourself. It brings
your mind to a peaceful state and enables you to direct the flow of SPIRIT while
preventing the presence of self-defeating thoughts that run contrary to your
desire. By controlling your thoughts, you can turn Universal Energy into anything
you can imagine.
Proper use of visualization brings about a sense of order. You think only about
the results you desire and give no thoughts to anything to the contrary. In so
doing, youre giving Universal Energy a clearly defined image with which to
work. With this ordered mentality, theres no need to hurry or to fear a
different result. You simply proceed with
the actions that are compatible with your goals and trust that the Universal
Energy will do the rest.
Visualization is magical in that it will process any picture to its logical conclusion
despite the appearance of contrary evidence. Things may look bleak on the
outside. But if you hold onto your visualization and accept it as your reality,
youll attract resources, advantages, and wisdom to move you in the direction
you want to go. The magical process of visualization allows you to tap into the
unseen cause of every external condition. Bring your desire into harmony with

the Universal Energy (cause) and you can manifest any result (effect) you really
Create a picture in your minds eye of how you want things to be. Its this picture
that becomes the model or mould for Universal Energy to flow into. Your picture
determines the direction you want the great Creative Power to take. Just think
into existence anything you want. Your visualization concentrates energy for a
specific purpose and that purpose is always determined by you. Keep only what
you want realized in mind and forget about how it might happen for you. Be
open to the ideas that flow and take the necessary action.

Why It Works
Visualization is based on the natural law of Cause and Effect. The pictures you
hold are the cause and your conditions are the effect. Everything there is came
into existence in the same way. First there was an idea. Then the idea became a
picture, which evolved into a mould. This formation (your mental picture) is in
fact the very thing you want materialized, in its infancy or beginning form. Its
the thing in its original state and it begins to take form through your mind.
Universal Energy creates based on the direction its given. You guide the power
by thinking the thought and holding steadfast to the image exactly as you
want it. Since we live in an orderly universe, your picture must materialize.
Theres nothing to stop it. In fact, the only thing that can stop it is the only thing
that can start it YOU.
Its the nature of the Creative Power to complete its work. That work is
never done until the picture takes shape in the physical world. Material
form is a necessity of the creative process.
But as all-encompassing as the great Universal Energy is, it cannot do for you
what it can only do through you. Youve got to set the result in motion and stick
to it with all youve got. Never strain to do so. Simply know that your picture is
already being transformed into your reality.

How It Works
Visualization is simple and enjoyable. Anyone can do it with just a little effort and
commitment. Done consistently, it can bring you anything of your own choosing.
The idea is to create a clear and powerful image. Since whatever you think about
expands into your reality, you might as well think about what it is that you want,
rather than dont want. Think about it over and over again and imagine how
youd feel if what you wanted was already yours. Repetition intensifies your
want into an intense desire. At this point, what you hope to gain has become a
clear image which is vital for its fulfillment on the physical plain.
The more you practice visualizing and as your understanding of this lifechanging process expands, you become a more perfect center from Universal
Energy to flow and create through.
Here are the basic steps involved in visualization:
1. Make a mental picture of something you want to be, have, or do
2. Give it detail with vivid colors, sounds, and the vibrancy of life
3. Put yourself right in the picture
4. Feel what its like to already have what you want and express gratitude for
all you have
5. Hold the image with your will and without any anxiety
6. Take whatever action seems necessary for the fulfillment of your desire

Its important to see yourself surrounded by the things and conditions as you
wish them to be. You draw things and conditions to you according to the
tendencies of your thoughts.

Visualization works. Its not mere theory but proven fact. When you
understand the principles behind it well enough to believe in its omnipotent
power, all things are yours for the asking.
Create the mental picture of your heartfelt desire. Hold it in your mind with
your will. Maintain a cheerful and relaxed frame of mind. Theres no question
that the power will respond and that the picture you hold consistently will be
reproduced in your reality.
If you want to speed up your results, deepen your belief. Have faith in the
power of Universal Energy, for it is always at work and receptive to your
thought-moulds. Feel that your desire is a natural part of you and your
personal evolution on the planet. Know that you are in the drivers seat in your
life and have faith in the power thats only a mental picture away. The trick is
to hold your vision and strengthen it with faith. And the more faith and
enthusiasm you inject into that picture, the faster it comes into physical form.
Keep your desire to yourself. Keep it a secret between you and the Creative
Power. The more guarded your desire, the more vitality you give it, which in
turn increases its magnetic power of attraction.
There can only be one cause when something you want and visualize doesnt
materialize. That cause is a contradictory thought or changing the picture in
your mind. Thinking of results you dont want, or changing the image sends a
mixed message to the Creative Power. If your picture is cloudy, jumbled, or
convoluted, then thats exactly what you get back in return. To correct your
course, get back to the mental picture of what you really want and think from
that reality. Proceed with confidence that whatever you envision is yours as the
law is infallible.
Your past experience is simply history. Whats done is done. Your past
experience is irrelevant to the Creative Power as it can only operate in the here
and now. Dont expect results to happen in a certain way. Maybe they will,
maybe they wont. Just focus on the end result and let the Universal Energy go
to work on your behalf.

A Simple Step-By-Step Visualization Formula

1. Before you start your visualization, choose what you want. Get specific and
focused on the thing or condition you want to manifest. Make it something
youll stick with and not a passing fancy. You have to deliver a clear message to
the universe in order for your visualization to work.

2. Sit down in a comfortable chair inside a quiet room. Relax.

3. Take a few deep breaths. Inhale. Hold your breath for a few seconds,
and then exhale slowly. Repeat this cycle 3 times.
4. Spend the next few moments relaxing and de-stressing. Close your eyes
and imagine yourself on a beautiful beach watching the soft waves grace the
shore. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply as you relax more and more,
while enjoying the peace and tranquility of nature. Repeat the word relax
over and over again in your mind and let any tension melt away.
5. Remind yourself how visualization works to give you anything you want.
Know that the Creative Power is seeking greater expression through you. All it
needs is your clear direction and belief. Feel this truth to your very core.
6. As you continue to breathe deeply, surround yourself with a large and
powerful imaginary circle of white light the brightest light youve ever seen.
Allow this light to flow over, in, and all around you. See yourself in the center of
this white light thats flowing gently from the heavens. As you breathe in, take
in light. As you exhale, spray this light out all over your body and all around you.
7. See the light getting brighter and brighter. See it, feel it and breathe in
this beautiful and magical white light (Its your symbolic connection to
Universal Energy and the Creative Power).
8. Keep yourself in the middle of this wondrous and never-ending flow of
white light. You are a center through which this universal substance works.
9. Feel this light energy as it moves through your entire body. Centralize it at
your power-point your heart or your solar plexus. Take in all the light you can
as you become a radiant being full of all that is good. Next, just spread all that
universal love energy (light) all around you.
10. Now flash your mental picture across the screen of your mind. See it over
and over again. Notice the detail and see it as yours. Go over it again and again
until you FEEL the reality of it.
11. Open your eyes and immediately write down in words the mental picture
you just visualized. Capture the imagery and feelings you experienced in the
12. Record your written summary onto a pocket-sized card and carry it
with you. Read it as often as you can in private. Put yourself right in the
picture and come from that reality.

Remind yourself that theres no limit to you because your mind is the
center of Divine Operation. Understand that your thoughts and feelings
create your reality. Visualization helps you channel those thoughts and
feelings in the precise direction you want to attain all your desire

Power Visualization Tips

1. Clear your mind of all worries and distractions before you begin. You need
to have an empty vessel before you can fill it with positive images and feelings.
2. Think big. Picture your life as successful as you can naturally conceive it to be.
Napoleon Hill stated in Think and Grow Rich, Whatever the mind of man can
conceive and believe it can achieve. Choose as big an ideal as you can see
yourself attaining.
3. Optimum times for visualizing are #1: The first thing upon arising and then
#2: Just before falling asleep at night.
4. Get up 15 minutes earlier and start your day with a 15-minute
visualization exercise. This helps set the tone for the rest of the day.
5. Find a quiet space where you wont be disturbed.
6. Be relaxed and totally at ease. There should be no strenuous effort in
holding the image of something you want.
7. Visualization puts you in touch with the Creative Power. Once you
become aware of your oneness with this great power, your life will never be
the same again.
8. Things start to happen for you when you learn to control your mind and
hold the mental picture as you want it reproduced. By doing so, you provide
the channel for Universal Energy to express and create.
9. Reliving your successes strengthens your courage and faith, while
renewing your energy.

10. Once your picture seems normal to you, it truly is yours.

11. Expect all life to respond to your call and it will.
12. Open your mind to receive and take any necessary action in total
13. Faith with action sets you free.
14. As you think and picture in your mind, that is what you become.
15. Ask believing that you have already received and you will receive.
16. Your thought of a desire constitutes its origin. The thought-form of the
thing or condition is yours as soon as you think it.
17. Steady picturing sharpens and strengthens the image.
18. The freedom to choose your own thought is the greatest gift ever
bestowed upon you.
19. Practice picturing your desire at least twice daily for 15 minutes each.
20. You must act on the ideas youve been supplied by the Creative Power.
21. All space is filled with the substance of the Creative Power. This great
Power is amenable to whatever suggestions it receives with clarity. The Power
can only work deductively, meaning it works on the mental picture you provide.

Theres no doubt that visualization works, if you work it. Its a universal
principle a truth and truth is non-invertible.
You determine the direction and the quality of your results by the mental
pictures you hold in your mind. A clear consistent picture produces a clear and
predictable result. Visualizing concentrates energy for a specific purpose and
you get to choose the purpose and the result you want.
I hope you found this Universal Secret useful in helping you achieve what you
want out of life.
Choice not chance determines destiny,
Alvin Huang

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