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Intellectual Property and Plagiarism in

Digital Art – Public Survey

What do you think plagiarism is?


Do you think that using part of someone’s work in your own is plagiarism?


Do you think that using someone else’s work as inspiration for re-creating a similar work is


Do you think manipulating someone’s work for your own is plagiarism?


Has anyone ever taken your work and published it as their own work? If so, how did this make you


Do you think that using an image from Google Images without referencing it is plagiarism?

What do you think can be done to help the growing issue of plagiarism?


Do you think that plagiarism in digital art is as big an issue as plagiarism in text such as essays or


What would be an example of plagiarism in digital art?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your results will be used anonymously as part
of a report on plagiarism in digital art.

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