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J We need:

A bottle C
Wter J
Oil C
Food colorant(dye) J
Effervescent pill C
Flash light J


First of all we grab the bottle then add of wter into the bottle.After add oil
until the bottle is full. C
Finally we can see the oil and the wter are completely separated in two parts.

Then we add ten drops of dye.The ones is mixed with this combination. J
We can see the oil is crossed by the dye. J

In the end,we cut the effervescent pill and introduce ones in the bottle. C
Turn down the lights,and we put a flash licht under the bottle. C
As a result we can see the lava lamp. J
So that the effect is kept,we add another effervescent pill, J


First of all, the oil is kept on the wter because it is less dense that the other. C
By the other hand,the oil and the water isnt mixed since between they exist
intramolecular polarity. C
Every substance has a molecular polarity with this they can join with another
molecules that they have the same kinf. J
But the water and the oil have different molecules,so they repel. J
The gas is caused when we add the effervesent pill. C
The bubbles are caused by the gas,they had a bit of dye when they go up in the
oil. C
Whenever the bubbles is leak the gas and the water return down and start
procedure again.J

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