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Iunia Oltean

Nov 15, 2015

Honors 100
Assignment #4: Experiential Learning Interview
The student that I interviewed was James Ferrese. In our interview, James said that he
was thinking of majoring in astronautical engineering. He also mentioned that he would like to
study abroad. Some countries that he was thinking about visiting are Australia, Spain and Italy.
International Engagement
In our interview, James mentioned that he is interested in studying abroad. He said that he
would like to visit Australia or Europe, specifically Spain or Italy. I found the following program
that I thought would be perfect for him: "Aeronautics & Astronautics Australia: Autonomous
Systems and Robotics for Biological Research & Monitoring". In Brisbane, Australia, this
program requires no prerequisites and is worth 5 credits. In this course, the students will learn
how to use autonomous robotic systems for biological monitoring purposes. Students will also
conduct their own research related to the topic of Astronautical engineering.
There are many research opportunities at UW. One possible way that James could get
involved in research is to join the Undergraduate Research Program. By taking advantage of this
helpful resource at UW, he could learn about summer research opportunities that interest him and
speak independently to research advisors. The Undergraduate Research Program also offers
workshops and classes for undergraduate students. Although there are no summer research
programs that are specifically about astronautical engineering, he could be interested in doing
research for JISAO (Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean) because it is
somewhat similar to astronautical engineering in some aspects.
Regarding the area of Leadership, I think that James could display this trait by being the
leader of a FIG group that focuses on classes required or related to Astronautical engineering. By
guiding first year freshman students and helping them succeed in their classes, James could show

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