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Amazon Lily

Aliya Syaqira
Lok Ash Ley
Farhah Syamilah
Wan Nadiah

The Arabic word Lamees brings the meaning of so7ness and also so7 to
touch that refers to Tescos ;ssues as it is designed to be gentle and very
safe for usage.


Adver;sing Objec;ves:
To portray the ar;s;c side of ;ssue boxes by educa;ng the public that
a box of ;ssues can also be used as a decora;ve item rather than just
being a box that hold ;ssues

Spread awareness on the fun sides of ;ssue boxes
Change customers percep;on towards ;ssue boxes

As we want to show the ar;s;c side of normal ;ssue boxes, we
have a few ideas for the campaign:

1. Roadshow
A giant white ;ssue box will be place in the middle of the
Publika square. There will be balloons lled with paint and
other decora;ve items hanging around the ;ssue box. People
will be able to par;cipate by throwing darts to pop the
balloons. They will also get a chance to bring home any design
of Lamees ;ssue box if they leave a hand print on the giant
;ssue box.

2. Personality Chart

The quiz will be created and the link for the quiz will be posted on the
products website.
The quiz will allow consumers to learn which Lamees ;ssue box design
suits their personality.
The ques;on answer will only consist of yes/no ques;ons that will
eventually lead to the results.

The art direc;on for our campaign will Moroccan themed. This is
because Moroccan prints are lled with brilliant colours and bold
designs. This will help make our ;ssue boxes stand out amongst

The packaging design is inspired by Moroccan prints as we are targe;ng

customers that are from the sophis;cated urban community whom would
like to have a touch or add on culture and class in their homes.

The packaging design will be able to act as an decora;on and func;onal
item. Hence, a7er the box is fully emp;ed out it can be use as an item to
ll a space. The design is beau;ful enough to act as a storage box, vase
and etcetera.

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