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Kayla Welsh

ACDV 101

My career path
I am going to school to be a radiologist. I chose this desired job/career path because when my
mom was pregnant and we went to her ultrasound appointments I found it so interesting that you
could monitor the baby and visually see it. Once I got more information on the career I thought it
would really be something Id like to get into. I believe the radiology career is a good suit for me
because not only do you get to interact with people on a daily basis, you also get to help them.
You get to help them find out the gender of their baby, why they are having the pains that they
are having, and you even get to figure out if someone has broken a bone. I know a lot about this
career choice from not only reading up on it, but also because last semester I did a power point
presentation on my career choice of being a radiologist. Like I said above, there are tons of job
duties whether it be baby sonograms, broken bones, finding the reason for pain, etc. One
interesting thing about being a radiologist is that you can major in different parts of the field.
Some different parts include MRIs, X-ray, and CTs. The median salary range for a radiologist
varies from $276-$427 thousand a year. The job outlook for this job is wonderful. The health
care industry is going to continue to build and become bigger and better over the years. The
future trends is to be able to find easier and better ways to care for patients. Radiologist plan to
improve throughout the field. One related occupation are physicians. Physicians get there
information from the radiologist so that they can tell what is wrong with the patient by
diagnosing them. Another related occupation is pretty much anyone in the healthcare field
because everyone in that industry is around patients and the same type of machinery. It is good to
know people with related occupations because thats someone who could maybe help you or
even receive advice from. Overall I think I am well suited in my career choice and I cannot wait
to start my journey on becoming a radiologist.

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