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Maggie Chong

AAS 151
7 October 2015
Dalip Singh Saund (Da-leep-- sing--saund)
Introduction: If this man was born in the second half of the 20th century instead of the
first half, Dalip Singh Saund, easily, would be an extremely successful man. He couldve
been a successful engineer like how many Indians with a doctorate degree in math are
doing in this current decade, but instead he was the FIRST ASIAN AMERICAN TO BE
IN CONGRESS. which isnt so bad. I picked Dalip because I am interested in
Congress and politics. I am also Asian American and so is Dalip. He is an inspiration.
born on September 20,1899 in Chhajulwadi, India
graduated from University of Punjab in India, earned bachelor's degrees in
inspired by Lincoln and Woodrow Wilsons writings , made him want to
move to America
persuaded his family to support him traveling to America
in 1920 came to US to study at Berkeley, received doctorate degree in
realized his career options were limited because he was indian, became a
farmer (20 yrs)
while farming aka cotton picking, he fought discrimination laws against
indians, helped create the Indian Association of America in 1940 ; this group
fought for Indians to be eligible for citizenship and naturalized. The farm in
Westmoreland, CA had to be under his wifes name because she was white, this
motivated him to help form the association
Some laws he fought:
- Immigration act of 1917 also known as the Asiatic Barred zone,
restricted immigration from South Asia (especially Asian Indians) Aliens
ineligible to citizenship
-United states v. Bhagat Singh Thind 1923, Indians were denied the right
to be naturalized Helped fight for the Luce-Celler Act which extended
naturalization rights to South Asians
in 1949, indians finally received the right to become citizens in the US
in 1956, he left farming for the Congress/politics ( first Asian American to
be in Congress)
Interesting fact: Dalip said if he had won the election he would fly back to
India to tell people that the US does not discriminate Indians because he,
himself, is part of the American Democracy / congress

served three terms in the House of Representatives, helped improved USAsian relations
health issues during his fourth term and passed away on April 22,1973
Conclusion: Dalip Singh Saund opened of Congress and the world of politics to Asian
Americans. After being the first asian american to be in Congress, many Asian
Americans ran for Congress after him. People such as Senator Hiram Fong, House of
Rep. Daniel Inouye, and many more. He broke the barrier between Asian Americans
participation with politics/Congress. *Raise your hand if youve ever heard of Dalip
before this presentation.... Even though Dalip is not very well known, he still served as
one the most influential Asian Americans in history.

Braziel, Jana. "History of Migration and Immigration Laws in the United States." History of Migration
and Immigration Laws in the United States. University of Cincinnati, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
"Dalip Singh Saund." PBS, 2000. Web.

Singh, Inder. "Congressman Saund." Congressman Saund. IAHF, 2001. Web. 21 Oct. 2015.
Tisdale, Sara. "Breaking Barriers: Saund." Pewform. Pewform, 19 Dec. 2008. Web.

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