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Personal tone: semi-formal, 1st person narrative.

Relevant informal expressions to give authentic
information and opinion.
Anecdotes and facts to maintain the reader interest.
Rhetorical questions to involve the reader.
Emotive words and imagery (comparisons, metaphores..,)
Direct quotes.




Offer a point of view or angle that makes the article

interesting and unique.
Give your opinion about current affairs or present a
personal perspective on modern-day life. Add colour,
detail, background and personal comment.
Think about the audience (school/youth magazine) and
establish a relationship (questions to the audience).

- TITLE AND HEADING: (name of the author) grabs the readers

attention. Highlights the main idea or angle of the article.
- INTRODUCTION: (lead) captures the attention of the readers
(kicker) by a provocative question/thesis, provide necessary
background information, a dramatic moment in a story or an aspect of
the person you are profiling. You can start with a quote.
- BODY: you expand the main topic into subtopics (subheadings may
be used). The paragraphs link with your angle and prove your point of
One-sided approach: different points to support your angle. Give
examples for each point.
Balanced but undecided approach: two sides to the issue/
problem with supporting evidence.
- CONCLUSION: tie everything together and sum up the article. It
should leave a lasting impression by:
Reminding the main idea.
Making a recommendation (appropriate course of action.
Encouraging a change of attitude or opinion.

Establish relationship with the reader.

Use suitable language (topic, audience).
Personal approach (experiences and anecdotes).
Some informal language if relevant (contractions and
phrasal verbs), 1st person narrative, humour, mild

PAGES 1 to 6 of I Love English dossier (3rd section)

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