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Robert Rushing

Professor Raymond
UWRT 1103

Granny Conversation
I decided to hold a conversation with my granny, that is my dads mom. Her
husband used to serve in the Korean War which is what my topic is about, and she
loves talking, giving her opinion on everything and what she thought about her husband
serving in the war. I was able to hold this conversation with her on a Sunday afternoon
when she came over to my parents house for dinner.
During this conversation I found out many interesting topics. She told me about
what my grandpa used to do in the air force. She talked about how he used to fly planes
and look at where the best place were to drop different things. I found out that she didn't
like that he went to serve in the air force. She much have rathered that he not been in
the air force and make less money and be with her in their hometown. She had to get
married the day after christmas since that was one of the few days that he actually was
gonna be home. She didn't like that she had to plan her wedding the day after christmas
but she dealt with it to get married to him. What my grandma didn't and still doesn't
understand is that when somebody is serving for their country the whole family is
serving since they have to make the sacrifice to not let them be around while they are
serving. I talked with her about my twin brother, Jordan, serving. She wishes he didn't
have to be away so much and his possibility of dying. I concluded by the conversation
with my grandma that she does not making sacrifices for the greater good and people
serving for our country.

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