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Early Morning Log





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Today I had my first morning duty and

I chose to help out with the students in
the lunchroom. All students go to the
lunchroom as soon as they get to the
school from either the bus or the carpool
All students in line. They stay in the lunchroom until
the lunchroom 7:30 a.m. and then they go to their
before class. classroom. Students definitely get very
loud in the morning, but we tried to get
them to keep their voices down. But it
was hard to keep all of their voices down,
they kept trying to talk over each other
and kept getting louder and louder. But it
was definitely a good experience.

All the
students who
were in

All the
students who
were in

Today was our second week doing

morning duties and I assisted with
carpool. It was so nice to be the first
person to see the students when they got
to school. I made sure to have a smile on
my face for all of them and tell them good
morning and told their family or whoever
dropped them off to have a good day.
Sometimes the little things make the
biggest differences and I love being able
to have the opportunity to give people
just a small light in their day. You never
know what someone might be going
through, through closed doors.
Today we were supposed to start our
morning intervention groups but we had
to push the date back one week, so we
had our morning duties. I was on carpool
duty once again and I was able to see
some of my kindergarten students and I
loved being able to see them and their
families first thing in the morning. Its
interesting to see all of the different
responses of the parents and students to
us student teachers assisting at carpool.
Some parents are very thankful and some

parents wont acknowledge us, but that is

why we must keep a positive attitude and
tell them to have a nice day, because you
never know what they might have going
on in their lives.



I have three fourth grade students in my

morning intervention group. Students A,
B and C are a group of boys who are
unfortunately all on different schedules. I
was able to meet with all three students
today, but B and C arrived later when we
had little time left. Before they arrived, I
tried to help student A catch up with his
worksheets because he had not started
them yet. By the time the other two
students arrived we were halfway
finished. He did finish his Reading
Interest Survey, but only completed half
of his Garfield Reading Attitude Survey.
The other two boys, B and C had finished
the Interest Survey but needed to start
their Garfield Attitude Survey and they
were surprising able to finish everything
in the short time that we had available.
Today student A was the only student in
my morning intervention group that was I
was able to work with. Unfortunately the
organization First Priority comes to the
school every Thursday at the same time
as my morning intervention group meets.
Students B and C attend First Priority so I
dont think I will be able to assess them
very much. I didnt want to introduced
something new since I only had one
student to work with, I didnt want the
others to fall behind since they wouldnt
meet back again until the following
Tuesday. Although there was a positive
outcome of this, student A was able to
catch up with the other students in the
group. While he was working on his
Garfield Reading Attitude Survey I noticed
that he has so many questions and wasnt
afraid to ask them. I loved that he really

seemed genuinely interested in what he

was working on. Once he finished this
survey we didnt have much time left to
work on anything else, so it really worked
out perfectly.


and 1st grade

Today I was not able to meet with my

morning intervention group because I had
to meet with the Math and Reading Team
for Read for the Record. Unfortunately we
had to meet during my morning
intervention time. I tried to find someone
else to switch their morning intervention
days with mine but the girls in my triad
each had prior engagements planned.
Even though I wasnt able to meet with
my students for morning intervention, I
had a wonderful time performing our
Read for the Record readers theater. We
met at 7:30 a.m. and had to practice and
present our readers theater to the
reading coach before we presented to the
Kindergarten and 1st graders. It turned
out wonderfully and not only did the
students enjoy it, but I know that each of
us enjoyed making the book come to life
for the students. The book that we were
given to perform was Not Norman: A
Goldfish Story. After being involved in
this I see how it would be very helpful
when used in the classroom. Many
students are visual and when they see
books coming to life its much more
interesting to them and sticks with them
more than it would if the teacher were
just to read the book to them. Im
currently observing a kindergarten class
and they absolutely love readers theater
and acting out stories the teacher reads
in class.
Once again I was only able to work
with student A today for morning
intervention. I read the book The Legend
of Sleepy Hallow and he loved it. I
thought that he would enjoy it because




its close to Halloween. Today we went

over cause and effect because I know that
is one thing that he specifically has
trouble with. He did a great job overall
with cause and effect, but he did have
trouble remembering names of some of
the characters. After I read the story I
asked him questions about the ending of
the story and what he thought actually
happened because the book left the
readers mind wondering. I was very
proud of him for his answers for the
questions that I asked him he was very
specific and used details.
Today I worked with student A on YoppSingers Phoneme Segmentation. I read
the words and he segmented the sounds
as he heard them. Overall he did a good
job, but I do think this is an area where he
could improve. The words that he missed
were for the most part actually the
smaller words. I noticed that a number of
these words were blends and I think this
is something that he might need further
instruction with.
Today was my last day to work with A
so I decided to go ahead and give him the
Garfield reading survey and asked him to
read me the book The Very Lonely Firefly
by Eric Carle. It was sad to learn that his
percentile in academic reading went
down. Although, I believe the reason for
this may be that he felt more comfortable
and give answers that were more honest.
Even though he only went down a few
points in his interest in reading I was still
disappointed. After he filled out the
survey I asked him to read The Very
Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle and he
seemed to really enjoy it. Even though it
was a simple book there were a few
words that were challenging it wasnt too
simple for him. We went over cause and
effect after he read and he did passed
with flying colors!


Today we had story time with our

Author Study group. We acted out the
story Bill and Pete Went Down the Nile
Tomie dePaola using puppets! The
students enjoyed it, but they were not
quite awake yet. We asked them to do
different things so that they could be
involved in the story time and they were
not interested in that part at all. They
didnt want to do anything and just
wanted to listen. I think that they are just
ready for the week to be over. But over
all it went really well and they enjoyed
the puppet show and play that we put

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