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Running head: Ages- Birth- 5 years old

Journal #1
Ages- Birth- 5 years old
Raquel Munoz
February 28, 2015
HD 300
C. Franklin

Ages- Birth- 5 years old

Anecdotal Notes
Christopher, age- 12 months, Caucasian boy
The observation took place in a Child Development Center, inside the classroom. The
environment had a comforting and warming setting, Calm and soft colors around the classroom
were present. As I started observing the classroom and Christopher, I noticed that the teacher
working with Christopher was on her knees the whole time unless she had to make a bottle or get
a bib from the counter. Making eye contact with the children at all times. The teacher was
playful, caring, a tentative, and was crawling with Christopher side by side.
Christopher is in the crawling stage where he is also making his first steps and is
struggling to balance his body. He is exploring his environment. The teacher stood him up and
moved three steps backward and told him " Come here" with open arms. Christopher took one
step and fell down. The teacher did not pick him up right away. She said "Oh, you fell down, do
you want a hug, come to me" with open arms. He then crawled to her for comfort. The baby
crawled to the block area. The teacher crawled as well setting up the environment for him. She
got the soft blocks from the shelf and placed them on the carpet for easier access for Christopher.
At the same time, talking to him about the blocks. Christopher crawled to the library. The teacher
followed him crawling, sat around some pillows and sang songs. Christopher sat on the teacher's
lap and started to clap then pulled his pants. After few minutes, he became uninterested and
crawled towards the playground. Christopher had no shoes and step outside to the playground.
The environment outside was cold, cloudy and other children and staff were outside. Christopher

Ages- Birth- 5 years old

crawled towards the fence that divides another class. The other class was also outside.
Christopher would pull himself from the fence to try to get up. After a few tries he crawled back
to the classroom and went towards the block area. The teacher got up and walked toward the sink
to get clean bib for him. He tried lifting himself from the block shelf and fell off. Hurting himself
with the furniture. Christopher started to cry. The teacher said "Christopher you fell down. Are
you hurt?" She crawled towards Christopher and sat next to him while Christopher was still
crying. She said "Do you need a hug". Christopher went towards her for comfort. Cried a little
bit more than continued crawling. Christopher got fussy. The teacher prepare his bottle, picked
him up and sat in the rocker to feed him. While rocking and feeding Christopher his bottle, the
teacher was singing lullaby songs to him. After Christopher finished drinking his bottle, he was
not ready to sleep. The teacher rock him for a few more minutes. Yet did not sleep. She put
Christopher down and he continued to crawl around the classroom.

1) Infer from what you saw. a) What is this child trying to learn? b) What is this adult learning?
c) What are you learning? Include examples of what you are observing?
I saw Christopher being very independent and exploring his surroundings as he was learning how
to walk. He is learning how to balance his body and being able to trust others."Learning to fall,
getting up again and moving on is the best preparation for life"(Gerber 2002 p.87). When he was
hungry, the teacher feed him. When he fell down couple times, the teacher was there talking to
give and giving him support. "The habit of talking to a child as if he understands assures him of
the opportunity to learn to understand not just words, but ideas and intentions as well" (Gerber,
2002 p.59). The teacher was also learning to be patient with him since he was falling down
couple times. She wouldn't approached him or pick him up right away to comfort like we all

Ages- Birth- 5 years old

mostly do, instead she waited for him to show his needs and then she would approached. This
observation was very helpful. It gave me a reminder that teachers need to be at eye level at all
times. Sometimes you get caught up in the daily routine that you tend to forget what really is
important which is interacting/ talking with the children and being responsive. This observation
really showed how the teacher would support the child without her over possessing his space.
2) What psychosocial stage of Erikson's is this child? Can you see any of the issues in your
observation? Describe. Are there other factors, such temperament, gender, etc. affecting this
child's behavior?
Christopher is in the "Trust vs. Mistrust" stage. His caregiver has been responsive to his needs
therefore, Christopher has gotten attached to her and has been able to develop "Trust" Examples
of this is when he cried, the teacher feed him his bottle. Every time he fell down, she was there to
give him the reassurance and support. Christopher is a very active boy. I did not see any signs of
temperament as he crawl all around the classroom, he was free of exploring inside and out the
3) Does this child remind you of yourself at this age? How is this child similar? Different? Give
examples. How do you think you would have reacted in these situations?
I don't remember myself at this age group. But for what my parents tell me, I was a very calm
baby. I would get carried by anyone that wanted to carry me without me crying or screaming. My
babysitter was an older cousin of mine. She tells me that she would take me everywhere because
I was an easy and an outgoing baby as well. The similarities that Christopher and myself have
are being able to "Trust" others. The differences are that when I was a baby, I wasn't placed in a
center setting. I was taken care by family. I was also less explorative. My cousin said that she

Ages- Birth- 5 years old

would give me a toy car that belong to my brother and that I would stay sitting for a long period
of time with that car.
4) How would Erikson's psychosocial stages apply to you as a child of this age? How would it
not apply to you? Describe.
I was born here in California but was raise in Mexico. I was around a lot family. At 12 months
old, I was able to "Trust" adults around me. I think because they gave me the attention that I
required. My parents, grandma, aunts, and babysitter, would always be around the house in and
out. My babysitter told me that even though family would care for me too, that I always knew the
role of my mother. At the end of the day when I would see her, I was told that I would get super
excited by kicking and moving my arms.
Book reflection
My book reflection is "Little Scholastic, My body" I picked this book because it explores the
baby body parts. Since Christopher is in the crawling to walking stage, and is exploring his
environment and himself, this is a good book to read as it explores it all. This book some whatfits a description of me when I was a little girl. I relate to when my babysitter would talk to me
about my body parts and what they did. Example, hands are for clapping.

Ages- Birth- 5 years old


Hammond, R. (2009). Respecting babies: A new look at Magda Gerber's RIE approach.
Washington, DC: Zero to Three.

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