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Area of Concern Needs Assessment

Action Plan


C 004
C 005

Effectiveness of
appeals process.

Campus Leadership Team

perceive that there is not a
clear process for students to
remove NGs from transcript.

1. Develop a clear process

for requesting an attendance
2. Provide students with
time outside of their school
day to make up the time that
was loss due to absences.

At semester we will do an
audit of transcripts to
determine the number of
students who have had NGs
removed and are now in the
correct cohort.

Effectiveness of
tardy policy.

Campus Leadership Team

perceive that there are a
number of students leaving
campus. This poses a danger
to the student and a liability
to the school.

Weekly report of the number

of tardies being processed.
Teacher satisfaction survey
after first semester.

C 007
C 008
C 009


Campus Leadership Team

perceive that there is not
enough remediation for
students who have one or
more STAAR exams in

1. Consult with Dean of

Students on a plan.
2. Consult with Business
Manager on a budget for a
system that will track
3. Organize clerks to
manage stations.
1. Collaborate with
instructional specialist to
develop tutorials that target
low performing standards.
2. Consult with Business
Manager on budget for
Saturday School.
3. Create a rotation for
students to attend tutorials
on Saturday.

Compare scores of students

who did attend tutorials on
Saturday versus those who did
Saturday attendance rosters.

C 005
C 007
C 008

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