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SMART Learning Objective:

After two weeks, students will be able to:

1. Identify the structures and vessels of the heart.
Materials Needed:
-Dry-erase marker (red, blue, black)
-Diagram handout
Steps for Instruction:
1. Write the Learning Objective on the large whiteboard before class (2 minutes).
2. Before class, draw a heart on the whiteboard using the red marker to indicate
oxygenated blood flow structures and the blue marker to indicate deoxygenated blood
flow structures. Label the various structures of the heart on the board (5 minutes):
-Right atrium
-Right ventricle
-Left atrium
-left ventricle
-Right AV valve
-Left AV valve
-Pulmonary semilunar valve
-Aortic semilunar valve
-Pulmonary trunk
-Pulmonary artery
-Aortic arch
-Ascending aorta
-Brachiocephalic trunk
-Left subclavian artery
-Pulmonary veins
-Superior vena cava
-Inferior vena cava
-Papillary muscle
-Chordae tendonae
-Interventricular septum
3. After the lab quiz, pass the heart diagram worksheet out to the students (2 minutes).
4. Introduce the lab by stating the learning objective and explaining the significance of the heart
worksheet, encouraging the students to fill it in throughout the lesson (1 minute).

5. Ask the students to talk within their lab groups to think of structures of the heart that are
blank on the board (3 minutes).
6. Ask each group to send up one person to label a structure on the heart drawn on the
whiteboard with the black marker. Encourage the students to fill in more than one structure
after each group has gone. I will not fill in the remaining blank structures; instead I will
encourage the students to finish the worksheet during lab and if they turn it in to me
completed, then I will check their answers (10 minutes).

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