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I didnt make any major structural changes to my paper but the reverse outlining process

did help me re-see my work. When I actually saw the main points of my paragraphs laid out I
realized what I could have included to make the paper a bit stronger. For instance, my second
paragraph was essential to my paper because it laid out the basic information but it didnt really
connect to my argument. I thought briefly about attempting to change that but ultimately decided
to just stick with it. I chose to keep paragraph 2 the way it was because, at least in my opinion,
its not absolutely essential that every paragraph be pounding the argument down the readers
throat. In fact, I kind of like that at least one paragraph doesnt directly relate to the argument
because I think it makes the paper less repetitive. The reverse outline also helped me see that I
had subconsciously been using parallelism within the structure of my paragraphs, which I
thought was pretty cool. I hadnt ever thought as parallelism applying to the ideas within
paragraphs but paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 clearly show parallelism. Interestingly enough, I even used
parallelism when describing the main point of each of those paragraphs within my reverse
outline chart. Overall, I can definitely see some value in reverse outlining. I cant honestly say I
see myself taking the time to use it for every paper I write in the future but I may use it if I really
want to go the extra mile to get a good score.

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