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#1: Thesis Statement

Main Point of Paragraph:

Authors are aware of their
intended audience and they
write accordingly; moves and
conventions are essential in
order for the author to
achieve their goals when
writing for a specific


The basic information about

my scholarly articles.




How It Supports Argument:

It is my argument ;)

It doesnt quite support my

argument but it is essential
information in order to
develop my argument in the
following paragraphs.
The structural conventions of The structural conventions
scholarly articles.
connect to my argument
because following them helps
the writers establish
credibility with their
A move made in my nonThis supports my argument
scholarly piece and how it
because it shows that authors
connects to the intended
of scholarly pieces and nonaudience.
scholarly pieces both make
moves to have certain
impacts on their intended
A move made in my scholarly This is basically a parallel of
piece and how it connects to
the paragraph before it so it
the intended audience.
supports my argument in the
same way, by showing that
the move is made because it
helps aid the audience.


A move made in my second

scholarly piece and how it
connects to the intended

This paragraph follows the

pattern set by paragraph 4
and 5. I support my argument
by detailing a move that is
made in order to impact the
intended audience in a
particular way.


Making the tie between the

way moves and conventions
are used in writing both

This is basically directly

asserting my argument. I say
that moves and conventions

scholarly and non-scholarly



are both used because they

impact the intended audience
in a way that the authors are
aware of.
The strengths and weaknesses It supports my argument
of scholarly and nonbecause it shows that some
scholarly pieces regarding the things work better for writers
than others when it comes to
the impact that the different
types of articles can have on
the audience.
Conclusion, restating
Supports my argument by
basically just restating it to
make the essay come full

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