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Student-Teacher: Amira Rashid

Date: 25/10/2015

Primary EPC 2401 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Grade Level:3/2
Subject: Since
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words): -able to remember the reptile's animals.
-to be able to differentiate between the animals that crawl and not creeps.
Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?
Turtle, PowerPoint, pictures. Puzzle, work sheet,
color the pictures for the crawl animals.

-show them the pictures for the reptile animals and ask
them questions.

Time: 40 minSmall

Time: 15 minWhole

Key vocabulary/ Target Language

-What you can see in the picture?
-This animal is crawl or not creeps?
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

-small introduction about the lesson.

-tell them what they have to do.
-I will use PowerPoint and show them picture for the animals and ask them questions (What you can se
on the board?), also ask them (Do you think the frogs are crawl animal?
will beworking
the plan
the teacher)

-First I will use pictures and the word by showing them on the board.
-then I will show them the turtle and ask them questions about it, also I gone let them touch it to answer
my questions.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
-give each group puzzle to do the puzzle have the crawl animals and let them work together.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

-give them a turtle to touch it and to see it more closely to tell me what covers the turtle body and how i


5 minWhole

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

-do the activity in their course book.
-ask them more questions and see if they understand the lesson.

-ask them questions.
-chick the answers.
-ask them about the different type of crawl animals.
Reflection WWW/EBI
-what when well (the lesson was very useful and the activity, the students enjoy the lesson especially when they
touch the turtle).
-even better if(use all the materials that I prepare it for the lesson)
Next Steps in learning and teaching
-try to connect the lesson with their real life and what they have seen it.
-use different type of activity.

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