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The Stubborn Fat Solution

by Ori Hofmekler
Author of The Warrior Diet

The Stubborn Fat Solution http://www.DefenseNutriti

Copyright 2010 Ori Hofmekler

All rights under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions.
Published in the United States by:
Warrior Diet LLC
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior
written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is in no way intended as
medical counseling or medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used
to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or medical condition without the advice of a
competent medical professional. The activities, physical or otherwise, described herein for
informational purposes, may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader
should consult a physician before engaging in them. The author, writer and Warrior Diet,
LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any
loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information
contained in this book.

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Chapter 1: What is stubborn fat?

Chapter 2: What are the underlying obstacles to burning off stubborn fat?
What causes excess of estrogen in the body?
What causes insulin resistance?
The stubborn fat syndrome
Where does stubborn fat accumulate?


Chapter 3: How to Prevent Excess Estrogen?

Chapter 4: How to prevent insulin resistance?
Chapter 5: How to prevent hypothyroidism?


1. Food selection
2. Meal Layout / Sample Day
3. Supplement Layout
Chapter 6: The Supplements / How do they work?
How Estrogen Inhibitors Help Fight Stubborn Fat?
How Cleansing Herbs Help Burn Off Fat?
How Glycemic Optimizing Herbs Help Burn Off Fat?
How Thyroid Supportive Herbs Help Burn Off Fat?
Chapter 7: Eating Plans for Special Conditions
I. A daily eating plan for athletes
II. A daily eating plan for people who are obese
III. A daily eating plan for insulin resistant or diabetic
IV. A daily eating plan for people with thyroid disorders
Chapter 8: How to Continue with the Plan After Leaning Down
Chapter 9: Frequently Asked Questions
I. How to Combine Food?
II. How to Design Your Meal?
III. How to Incorporate Chocolate in Your Meal
IV. Does it Matter How Much One Eats?
V. Is it Possible to Get Results Without the Supplements?


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The Tenacious Fat Solution Kit




The Stubborn Fat Solution is not a typical diet book. It focuses on one thing and one
thing only how to get rid of stubborn fat tissues that refuse to let go. The book
shows you what causes stubborn fat, how to eliminate it and how to ever avoid
getting it back. You will learn how to remove one by one all the main underlying
obstacles that have been prohibiting you from losing fat in the belly and other
stubborn fat areas. Youll be guided what food to eat and what not to eat, what
supplements to use and what to avoid; youll also be instructed how to combine food
for successfully leaning down while enjoying your diet. The solution for stubborn fat
is now in your hands. There are no more excuses!

Best wishes for achieving a lean, healthy body.

Ori Hofmekler

The Stubborn Fat Solution http://www.DefenseNutriti


STUBBORN FAT IS A MAJOR PROBLEM that affects the vast majority of our
population today. Apparently, this fat tenaciously remains and seems impossible to
remove even through dieting and exercising. To effectively address the problem,
one needs to understand what stubborn fat is, why it accumulates and how to burn it

Part I: The Problem

Chapter 1: What is stubborn fat?
Stubborn fat is a slow-metabolizing adipose tissue that resists fat burning. What
makes this fat tissue highly resilient to breakdown is its failure to respond to fat
burning hormones. To burn fat, certain hormones must bind to receptors in fat cells,
signaling breakdown and release of fatty acids for energy (these include the adrenal
and thyroid hormones as well as growth hormone and androgens). But in stubborn
fat tissues the signal to burn fat is negated by hormones or chemicals that command
the cell to store fat instead. The result: the process of fat breakdown is inherently
suppressed and the fat tissue remains stubbornly resilient to fat burning.
Fat burning is a fragile and complex process involving a cascade of cellular events
that are regulated by specific hormones, cellular proteins and cellular messengers.
Any interruption in this process will compromise the breakdown of fat for energy.
Even exercise will fail to burn fat if there are underlying obstacles that prohibit fat
tissues from breaking down.

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Chapter 2: What are the underlying obstacles to burning off

stubborn fat?
Three underlying obstacles prohibit stubborn fat from burning off:

excess estrogen

insulin resistance


Lets review these obstacles.

Obstacle #1.

Excess estrogen

The most notable obstacle to burning off stubborn fat is the female hormone
estrogen. When in excess, estrogen devastates the body (male and female alike)
with fattening and sickening side effects, one of which is the buildup of stubborn fat
tissues. Estrogen is a fat storing hormone that signals the fat cell to store fat rather
than release it. Once it binds to its receptors in an estrogen sensitive fat tissue
(such as in the belly), estrogen causes enlargement of the tissue while making it
resilient to fat burning. Simply said, when estrogen is in excess, estrogen sensitive
fat tissues become enlarged and stubborn.

What causes excess of estrogen in the body?

Excess of estrogen occurs due to three major reasons:

Inability of the liver to detoxify estrogenic substances


Accumulation of estrogen mimicking chemicals in the body


Aging which involves an increased ratio of estrogen over other


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Obstacle #2.

Insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is linked to elevated cortisol, central obesity, increased waist size
and a pear shaped body.

What causes insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is caused by over consumption of refined carbs, elevated cortisol,
nutritional deficiencies, a strained liver, physical inactivity and sleep deprivation.
Lets review how these factors impair insulin and lead to formation of stubborn fat.

Refined Carbs
Over-consumption of refined starch and sugarplaces pressure on the pancreas to
overproduce insulin. Overspiking insulin (hyperinsulinemia) has shown to cause
impairments in insulin receptors and a disrupted insulin activity. Under this condition
the body becomes inefficient in converting carbs to energy, instead, carbs will be
converted to triglycerides which will then be dumped into fat storing tissues. The
consequences: undesirable fat gain, particularly in the belly and waist areas.

The Belly and waist Easiest to accept fat deposits

Note that the belly and waist adipose tissues are the most biologically active
fat tissues and the easiest to accept fat deposit. Excessive belly fat (with a
pear shaped body) is associated with an increased risk for diabetes and

Elevated Cortisol
Chronically elevated cortisol has shown to lead to insulin resistance and a
substantial increase in belly and waist size as well as increased levels of circulating

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A strained Liver
A dysfunctional liver due to alcohol or chemical toxicity is a major contributor to
insulin resistance and impaired fat metabolism.

Nutritional Deficiencies
Deficiencies in essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals or essential fatty acids have
been linked to insulin resistance, and impaired carbs metabolism.

Sleep Deprivation
Evidence shows that chronic sleep deprivation causes insulin resistance, often with
symptoms such as compulsive cravings for sweets, uncontrolled binging and fat

Physical Inactivity
Physical inactivity has been linked to increased prevalence for metabolic syndrome
i.e. insulin resistance/diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Obstacle #3.


Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) involves lowering of the bodys metabolic rate

and a diminishing capacity to break fat storage for energy.

What causes hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is largely caused by thyroid suppressing drugs, environmental toxins
and thyroid inhibiting food substances. Hypothyroidism is also a result of extreme
low calorie diets and is more prevalent among women than men.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include a sluggish metabolism, sensitivity to cold,
fatigue, lowering of the bodys temperature and an increased tendency to gain body

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Notable thyroid inhibiting substances

Thyroid inhibiting foods: soy products, cruciferous vegetables, parsnips,
cassava and millet.
Thyroid suppressing supplements: iodine and selenium.
Thyroid suppressing toxins: petro-chemicals plasticizers, parabens, PCBs,
industrial iodides, cobalt, flourine and cadmium.
Thyroid inhibiting drugs: lithium, dulfonamides (diuretics), iodide (antiseptic),
anti-histamines and phenylbutazone (anti-inflammatory).

The combined effect

The combined effect of excess estrogen, insulin resistance and low thyroid on the
body is overwhelmingly devastating. It is by all means affecting today a large part of
overweight people, who cant lean down regardless of how hard they try.

The stubborn fat syndrome

Excess of estrogen in the body causes a viscous cycle in which estrogen promotes
the enlargement of fat tissues, which then produce more estrogen that in turn
causes even more fat gain, and so forth. What makes this matter even worse is the
combined effect of insulin resistance, chronic stress, liver congestion, low thyroid
and exhausted adrenals, all of which are major contributing factors to the stubborn
syndrome in men and women.

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Where does stubborn fat accumulate?

Men typically suffer from stubborn fat gain in the belly and chest. Women usually
gain stubborn fat around their hips, thighs, and butt. Some women have stubborn-fat
tissues around their upper arms or entire legs.

Aging and stubborn fat

Stubborn fat is an age-related problem for both genders. The older one
gets, the more testosterone is converted into estrogen via an enzyme called
aromatase. Aging isnt the only cause of increased aromatase expression.
Aromatase activity can be stimulated due to certain food substances, herbs
and chemicals that promote its synthesis. Notable among them are soy
isoflavones, the herbs black cohosh and coleus forskohlii, petro-chemicals,
pesticides and plastic residues.
Fat tissues are the sites that produce aromatase enzymes. What this
means is that excessive body fat increases the conversion of testosterone
into estrogen and vice versa, the leaner one gets, the less estrogen will be

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Part II: The solution:

The solution to stubborn fat requires the removal of all the underlying obstacles to
burning off stubborn fat. This will help shift the bodys metabolism from a fat storing
system into a fat burning system allowing breakdown and elimination of stubborn
fat tissues that previously resisted fat burning.

The upcoming chapters will show you:

How to prevent excess estrogen?
How to prevent insulin resistance?
How to prevent hypothyroidism?


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Chapter 3: How to Prevent Excess Estrogen?

1. Supplement your diet with natural estrogen inhibitors. Certain compounds in
plants and dairy have shown to naturally inhibit estrogen, modulate its metabolism
and balance its levels in the body. Most notable sources of natural estrogen
inhibitors are:
Indoles (cruciferous vegetables)
Apigenine (chamomile flower)
Chyrsin (passion flower)
Quercitine (onion & garlic)
Naringenin (citrus fruits)
Curcumin (turmeric and curry)
Resveratrol (red grapes & wine)
Omega 3 EFA (flax seed, hempseed, fish oil)
Alpha-lactalbumin (grass fed cows whey)
CLA (grass fed cows cheese and whey)
Ellagic acid (amla berries and raspberries)

Preliminary studies indicated that natural estrogen inhibitors work best when
combined together.


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Plant estrogens inhibitors triple action impact

lowering estrogen receptor activity
inhibiting the estrogen producing aromatase enzyme
shifting estrogen metabolism to favor the beneficial estrogen metabolites
(2 hydroxy estrogens) over the harmful metabolites (16 hydroxy

2. Avoid consuming estrogenic foods and herbs.

Avoid soy products and soy isoflavone
Minimize intake of conventional meat and dairy.
Minimize intake of non-organic produce
Do not use licorice, clover, black cohosh, angelica or forskohlii supplements.
Do not binge drink. Excessive alcohol intake promotes excess estrogen.
Minimize beer consumption beer contains hops which is highly estrogenic.
Minimize intake of omega-6 vegetable oils such as canola, corn, safflower,
and soy, which have shown to induce estrogenic effects when not balanced
with omega-3 oils (fish, flaxseed, hempseed oil).


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Alcohol & Stubborn Fat

Excessive alcohol may compromise your livers ability to break down and
detoxify estrogen substances. Renegade estrogens can then invade and pollute
the blood circulation causing adverse symptoms like bloating, water retention
and stubborn-fat gain. If these toxins remain unchecked, they may cause
metabolic disorders and disease. The beer belly is a result of estrogenic fat
deposit due to alcohol abuse as well as the estrogen promoting ingredient

3. Avoid plastics residues in foods, water, cosmetics and soaps. Certain

compounds in plastic called plasticizers or parabens have been found to be highly
estrogenic and carcinogenic. These can leach into water, milk, or foods that are
packaged in plastic. As a general rule, if the food or water smells like plastic, stay
away from it. Parabens are found in conventional cosmetics, soaps, cleaning
detergents and household products. Check labels before purchasing products.

4. Detoxify your body daily. Cleanse your detoxifying organs the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract with cleansing herbs on a daily basis.
This will help alleviate the overall metabolic stress on the body and thus increase
its capacity to neutralize harmful estrogenic substances.

5. Eat organic food if possible, to avoid estrogenic substances that are in our food
supply, such as pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, found in non-organic produce, and
hormones, which are found in conventional meats, poultry, and dairy.


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6. Increase intake of anti-estrogenic foods. Increase intake of estrogen balancing

foods and spices. These include cruciferous vegetables cabbage, broccoli,
cauliflower and their sprouts, garlic, onion, omega 3 oil (hempseed, flaxseed), wild
catch fish, organic dairy (from grass fed cows), all berries, all greens, Omega 3 EFA
rich eggs from free range chickens, and the spices turmeric, oregano and thyme.

Chapter 4: How to prevent insulin resistance?

1. Supplement your diet with blood sugar balancing herbs. Certain herbs have
shown to help support insulin activity and optimize blood sugar. Glycemic balancing
herbs, such as shilajit, cinnamon, gymnema slyvestre and cordifolia have been used
successfully by traditional Indian, European and Mediterranean medicine to treat
blood sugar disorders and diabetes.

2. Minimize intake of refined carbs. Naturally minimize the glycemic index of your
meals. Choose whole foods instead of processed refined food. Increase your
intake of fibrous plant food. Minimize your sugar intake.

3. Switch your fuel sources from the higher glycemic grains to the lower glycemic
nuts or legumes.

4. Avoid sugar laden protein products. Use only low glycemic protein products
for physical conditioning and post exercise muscle recovery. After exercise the
muscle becomes temporarily insulin resistant (with an impaired capacity to utilize
sugar) due to muscle fiber microtrauma. Feeding the muscle with sugar laden
protein after exercise will be counter-effective, adversely affecting muscle energy
and insulin sensitivity. For a protein product that is low-glycemic and made with
100% natural and organic ingredients, see Warrior Whey.


The Stubborn Fat Solution http://www.DefenseNutriti

5. Use a 100% natural multivitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement. Only

100% natural, food based vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can help support your
insulin and protect your cells and tissues against oxidative damage. Defense
Nutritions Plant-Based Multi Vitamins are free of synthetic ingredients.

6. Follow a steady exercise routine. A comprehensive diet and exercise routine is

the first defense against insulin resistance and stubborn fat gain. Exercise helps
boost the metabolic rate, stabilize insulin, lower estrogen level, and reduce
stress-related symptoms. However, avoid overtraining. Chronically overstressing
your body may cause the opposite effect and also slow down your metabolic rate.

Chapter 5: How to prevent hypothyroidism?

1. Supplement your diet with thyroid supportive herbs to help counteract the
effects of common thyroid inhibiting substances in the food and environment. The
most proven effective thyroid supportive herb is commiphord mukul (active
ingredient guggulesterone). Other thyroid supportive herbs include shilajit
(asphaltum punlabiunum), milk thistle and bacopa monnieri.

2. Do not use iodine and selenium supplements even though these minerals
are essential, their supplements have shown to actually inhibit thyroid activity.

3. Avoid thyroid suppressing chemicals stay away from chemical pesticides,

herbicides and fungicides. Avoid using cleaning products and cosmetics with petro
chemical detergents or parabens. Do not drink fluorinated water, avoid exposure to


The Stubborn Fat Solution http://www.DefenseNutriti

cadium based paints.

4. Avoid extreme low calorie diets insufficient intake of calories has shown to
suppress thyroid activity and lower the bodys metabolic rate by inhibiting conversion
of the less active thyroid hormone T4 into the more active thyroid hormone T3.

How to deal with plastics

Avoiding plastic altogether would be virtually impossible today, given how
widespread and ubiquitous it is. Nonetheless, following are a few safety
Cut away a small amount of the outer edge of cheese or oily foods that
are wrapped in plastic.
Store food and beverages in glass or ceramic containers.
Do not ingest liquids packed in soft, cloudy plastic containers.
Do not eat or drink anything that smells or tastes like plastic.
Stay away from plastic packed lemon juice, vinegar, tomato sauce and
wine (note that all these acid foods are highly reactive with plastic


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How to prevent stubborn fat:
1. Avoid estrogenic foods and herbs such as all soy protein products, soy isoflavones,
conventional meat and dairy, omega-6 vegetable oilscanola, safflower, corn, and soy, as well
as estrogen promoting herbs such as clover, licorice, black cohosh, coleus forskohlii, angelica
and hops.
2. Supplement your diet with the following:

plant estrogen inhibitors

blood sugar optimizing herbs

thyroid supportive herbs

body cleansing herbs

plant based vitamins

3. Minimize consumption of non-organic foods to avoid pesticides and petro chemical additives.
4. Avoid plastic packed foods. Do not eat or drink anything that smells or tastes like plastic.
5. Detoxify your body. Cleanse your liver, kidneys and digestive tract daily with cleansing herbs.
6. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Minimize beer intake.
7. Control your insulin; minimize intake of refined carbohydrates.
8. Do not use iodine and selenium supplements.
9. Avoid extreme calorie restrictions.
10. Follow a steady exercise routine.

By now youve learned how to deal with the three main obstacles to burning off
stubborn fat. Lets review how to incorporate this knowledge in your diet plan.


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Part III: The Diet Plan

The premise of the diet plan is to detoxify the body from estrogen substances,
optimize blood sugar, support thyroid activity, and force the body to burn fat for most
of the hours of the day. Evening is dedicated for replenishment and compensation
this is the right time for having the main meal of the day. The dietary regimen
grants 8-12 hours of fat burning daily and a happy end every night.

The diet plan is based on three elements:

1. Food selection
2. Meal layout
3. Supplement layout

1. Food selection
Cruciferous vegetables / cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and their sprouts
Onion and garlic and their sprouts
All leafy greens

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String beans

All berries
Papayas & mangos
Passion fruit
Red grapes

Lentils, peas, beans

Marine food:
Wild catch fish / salmon, sable (fillet or naturally cured/smoked), cod, halibut,
flounder, sole, tilapia, sardines
Seafood including shrimps, lobster and crab

Grass fed cows whey
Organic grass fed cow cheese (preferably from brown Swiss cows or Jersey
Organic goat or sheep cheese

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Organic yogurt or kefir

Organic, omega 3 rich, from cage-free chickens
Fertile (optional)

Meat (optional):
Skinless organic chicken (preferably free range)
Grass fed beef

Nuts (raw):
Pecans, walnuts (optional)

Seeds (raw):
Hemp seeds

Flaxseed oil
Hempseed oil
Raspberry oil (not easily accessible)
Olive oil (extra virgin, first cold pressed)

Corn kernels

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Wild or brown rice



Black pepper

Rock salt
Sea salt

Coffee (freshly ground, not decaffeinated)
Green tea (not decaffeinated)
Black tea


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Spring, preferably in glass container (no distilled water)

2. Meal Layout / Sample Day

The following meal layout is designed to grant max detox/fat burning during the day
and a full replenishment at night.

Daytime: Mostly raw food

Fresh fruits, light protein, no fuel food
Upon wakeup:
Glass of water
Coffee or tea
Berries or citrus

Bowl of berries
Warrior Whey whey mix (15g 20g protein)

Lunch (optional)
Green salad (optionally with olive oil & lemon juice)
Boiled or poached eggs (1-2)

Bowl of berries

Late afternoon

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Grass fed cows whey mix (15g-20g protein)

Night time: Raw and cooked food

Vegetables, dense protein, fuel food (optional)
Evening meal
Raw Vegetables: Salad/greens, carrot, parsley, oregano, basil, cabbage or
broccoli sprouts (optional with olive & garlic dressing)
Cooked vegetables: broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower, zucchini or string beans
cooked in sauce or steamed

Fish (wild catch) broiled, grilled, poached or cooked in tomato sauce
Or Eggs (boiled or cooked in tomato sauce) 4-12 whites / 2-4 yolks
Or Seafood (poached, cooked in tomato/curry sauce, or grilled)
(tomato sauce combine fresh tomatoes, shallots, garlic, tomato paste,
vegetable broth, pepper, oregano, thyme, basil in water, cook for 20 minutes)
(tomato/curry sauce add curry or turmeric to the tomato sauce recipe until
reaching desired flavor).

Fuel food:
Legumes, lentils or beans with cilantro or parsley on top.
or Humus
Grains (optional): corn kernels, wild/brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, or
or Bulbs butternut squash, pumpkin or yam
(Beans presoaked, prewashed, cooked in water or vegetable broth with
garlic, onion, oregano)

(Humus garbanzo beans with sesame tahini, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice)

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* Use one grain source per meal

To grant faster weight loss use legumes or squashes instead of grains or yams.

Nuts almonds, pistachios, pecans, walnuts;
Seeds pumpkin, hemp seeds
* Do not combine nuts with grains
EFA omega 3 oil (hemp seed or flaxseed oil) or naturally smoked wild catch
Extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil

Late night
Grass fed cows whey mix (Warrior Whey/1 serving)
Berries (if there wasnt fuel food, grains or nuts in the evening meal)

Vegetables/Protein/Warrior Whey The panacea for losing fat

The combination vegetables/protein/Warrior Whey (grass fed cows protein
mix) is a panacea for losing fat. Regardless to all diet theories and fancy
programs, the above combination always works to burn off excess fat. If you
experience a setback or if things become complicated (as they often do), all
you need to do is to incorporate this simple and effective fat busting formula
and it will never fail.

Oils for dressing and flavor: olive oil, flax or hemp ok

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Adjust the amount of protein and fuel food according to your level of physical
activity and lean body weight (Maintenance: 1g protein/kg of lean body
Eat one protein source per meal, this way youll learn what protein foods
benefit you and what to avoid
Do not combine carb fuel (grains, potatoes or yams) with fat fuel (nuts or
seeds) in your meal
Monitor what fuel foods allow you to lose fat and in what amounts. This way
youll know what food and how much of it can be used as a primary fuel in
your main meal.
Avoid meat in the first two weeks of the plan to enhance detox
Be creative. Try to incorporate items from the recommended food selection
in your own recipes.
Avoid white vinegar
To maximize fat loss, try using Warrior Whey as a substitute to fuel foods
(grains, yams, potatoes or nuts).

3. Supplement Layout
The following supplement layout is designed to help your body remove toxins,
optimize blood sugar, enhance thyroid activity and burn off stubborn fat.

Upon wakeup:
Livafect / Liver cleansing formula (1 serving)
KidnX / Kidney cleansing formula (1 serving)
DigestX / Digestive tract cleansing probiotics formula (2 tabs)

Essential nourishment, antioxidant support

Amla Berries Vitamin C (2-3 servings)

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Plant-Based Multivitamins & Minerals (1 serving)

If you exercise in the morning, use Warrior Whey for post workout recovery.

Mid morning
Insulin support
Glycozin / Glycemic optimizing formula (1-2 servings)

Thyroid support
Thyrolyn / Thyroid supportive formula (1-2 servings)

Estrogen balancing
EstroX / Natural estrogen inhibitors (1-2 servings)

Protein/immuno support
Warrior Whey / Grass fed cows whey protein mix (1 serving/2 scoops)

Glycozin (2-3 tabs) 20 minutes before meal

You can divide the vitamin dosages (1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the
All herbs and vitamins are food based and digestive friendly and can be taken
on an empty stomach
Have 1/2 serving of Warrior Whey before your workout
Have 1 serving of Warrior Whey for muscle recovery after your workout
You can use Warrior Whey as a healthy protein snack to curb sweet cravings
You can have Warrior Whey as a safe desert (instead of carb or fat fuel

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A Sample Day / Nutrition & Supplement Layout

Wake up
Glass of water
Cleansing herbs (Livafect, KidnX, DigestX 1 serving)
EstroX (1 serving)
Amla Berries Vitamin C (1 serving)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1/2 serving)
Coffee, black tea or green tea (optional)
Berries or citrus (optional)

If you train in the morning, have Warrior Whey (2 scoops) for post workout recovery

Mid morning
Berries (1 bowl)
or Organic plain yogurt (nonfat, 8 oz)
or Warrior Whey (1 scoop)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1/2 serving)
Lunch time (optional)
Salad with 1-2 boiled eggs
or 1oz cheese on top
Mid afternoon
EstroX (1 serving)
Amla Berries Vitamin C (1 serving)
Late afternoon
Warrior Whey (pre-workout/1 scoop; post-workout/2 scoops)

Athletes can use an additional serving of Warrior Whey an hour later

Evening/main meal
Glycozin (optional, 20 minutes before meal)
Salad green leafy vegetables with sliced onion & olive oil
Sliced avocado or guacamole
Salsa (no vinegar)
Cooked or refried beans (no cheese)
Steamed broccoli with garlic and shallots
Grilled, poached, broiled or cooked fish
Goat cheese (1-2oz) on top of salad or fish (optional)
Corn kernels (optional)
or Almonds (optional)
or Warrior Whey (optional)
Late night snack (optional)
Warrior Whey (1-2 scoops)
and/or Berries (if the meal didnt include fuel foods)
Do not combine corn with almonds
You can substitute corn with beans or other grains
You can substitute almonds with other nuts or seeds


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Chapter 6: The Supplements / How do they work?

How Estrogen Inhibitors Help Fight Stubborn Fat?
Cruciferous indoles (indole-3 carbinol and diindoly methane/DIM) have
demonstrated highly protective estrogen modulating properties by shifting estrogen
metabolism to produce beneficial metabolites instead of harmful metabolites. The
flavones apigenine (chamomile), chrysin (passion flower), quercitin (onion, garlic),
and galangin (bee propolis) were found to work as potent aromatase inhibitors. So is
the citrus flavonone naringenin, although with a lower inhibition potency.

Omega-3 oils are most critical estrogen balancing agents, counteracting the
estrogen-promoting effects of omega-6 vegetable oils. Omega-3 oils antagonize
estrogen receptors positive tumor cells, and so does CLA (conjugated linoleic acid),
a fatty compound which is derived from milk fat, found abundantly in aged cheese
and whey from grass-fed animals. CLA is also a natural component in human milk.
Both omega-3 oils and CLA seem to exert anti-estrogenic and anti-cancerous
effects in a similar manner.

Other estrogen inhibitors, including the polyphenols curcumin from turmeric and
resveratol from grapes, were found to work together as potent antioxidant,
anti-estrogenic, anti-cancerous agents and cancer cell destroyers.

When combined together and applied in sufficient amounts, natural estrogen

inhibitors can help counteract the fattening and sickening effects of excess estrogen
in the body and thus help allow the breakdown and removal of stubborn fat.

How Cleansing Herbs Help Burn Off Fat?

One of the reasons for excessive body fat gain is the accumulation of chemical
toxins in fat tissues. Some of these chemicals are called hormonal disrupting

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substances, also known for their shattering effects on the bodys ability to regulate
its own weight. The high concentrations of hormonal disrupting chemicals (including
estrogen mimicking substances) in fat tissues have been regarded as a major
contributing factor for the current epidemic of obesity among adults and children.
Accumulated toxins first impact is on the liver. The liver works as a filter organ
which under normal conditions can neutralize chemical toxins and estrogenic
substances, preventing them from reaching the circulation. However, bad diets,
industrial pollution, chemicals in food and excessive alcohol overwhelm the liver and
lower its capacity to break down and neutralize toxins, which at this point creep into
the bloodstream. In a desperate attempt to avoid systemic toxicity and protect its
vital organs from oxidative damage, the body dumps circulating toxins into fat
tissues and joints, which then consequently become inflamed and enlarged.

The most effective way to naturally detoxify the body from harmful fattening
and sickening substances is through diet and herbal cleansing. Note that all
vegetables and fruits have a profound detoxifying effect when ingested on an
empty stomach, out of which the most potent detoxifiers are greens and
berries. For best results, it is recommended however to use cleansing herbs. A total
body detox requires the cleansing of the bodys detoxifying organs the liver, the
kidneys and the digestive tract. Each of these organs requires its own specific
cleansing herbs.

In Summary
Detoxification counteracts tissue swelling and fat gain
For best results, detoxify your liver, kidneys and digestive tract with cleansing
herbs daily


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How Glycemic Optimizing Herbs Help Burn Off Fat?

Certain herbal extracts have shown to support insulin, optimize blood sugar and
help restore a healthy metabolism along with the capacity to break down fat storage
for energy. Following are notable glycemic optimizing herbs and their respective
mechanisms of action:

Shilajit (asphaltum gum), regarded as the panacea of herbal toning, shilajit

contains a special matrix of nutrients and trace minerals including fulvic acid,
humic acid, hippuric acid and benzo flavons, all of which now become a major
subject of interest by contemporary botanical medicine due to their unique
metabolic rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and glycemic
optimizing properties. Shilajit has been traditionally used for body healing,
rejuvenation and weight loss.
Gynema sylvestre indicated for its anti-diabetic, hypoglycemic properties,
gynema extract has shown to mimic insulin actions, help support carb
utilization and optimize blood sugar, while supporting pancreatic functions.
Gynema slyvestre has been largely used by athletes for enhancing athletic
performance and making weight.
Cinnamon contains methyl hydroxyl chloride polimer (MHCP), a potent
insulin mimicking compound which upgrades cellular glucose uptake and
energy utilization preventing insulin resistance and related side effects.
Tinospora cordifolia traditionally used as a general tonic, anti-diabetic aid.
Tinospora cordifolia has shown to lower blood sugar and increase glucose
tolerance, it also has shown to support adrenal activity which is essential for
the breakdown of fat storage for energy.
Fenugreek seeds clinical studies indicate that fenugreek seeds help treat
blood sugar and lipid disorders. Due to its hypoglycemic properties,

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fenugreek helps improve glucose and energy utilization, possibly via the
insulin receptor.
Cumin seeds works as a co-factor in promoting nutrients absorption.
Cumin seeds stimulate production of prostaglandins E1 known for their
anti-inflammatory, glycemic optimizing, thyroid enhancing and weight loss
supporting properties.

How Thyroid Supportive Herbs Help Burn Off Fat?

The thyroid hormone plays a key role in regulating energy utilization and body
weight. It also works as a catalyst in hormonal actions that build muscle and burn
fat. Thyroid disorders have been associated with hormonal disruptions, muscle
wasting and undesirable fat gain. Thyroid supportive herbs have been used
traditionally to help sustain thyroid health, prevent metabolic impairments and
undesirable weight gain. Following are notable thyroid supportive herbs and their

Commiphora mukul (10% guggulsterones) derived from the mukul tree,

commiphoras active ingredient guggulsterone Z has shown to induce thyroid
stimulating activity, apparently by promoting increased iodine uptake and
increased production of thyroid hormones. Both guggulsterones E and Z
have shown to possess lipid lowering properties, causing decreases in serum
triglycerides and cholesterol while increasing the level of HDL (good
cholesterol) over LDL (bad cholesterol). A high ratio of HDL/LDL is an
indication for a good state of health, with a lower risk for hypertension,
cardiovascular disorders and related diseases. Guggulsterone containing
supplements have been popular among athletes and dieters for performance
enhancement and weight reduction, respectively.
Shilajit (asphaltum puniabiunum) regarded as the body tonic panacea,
shilajit has been used traditionally for restoration and rejuvenation of the

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bodys metabolism. The herb contains a unique composition of nutrients with

proven effective antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, metabolic balancing
properties. Shilajit has been traditionally used to help support athletic
performance and weight loss.
Milk thistle known for its liver supportive properties, milk thistles active
ingredient silymarin has been reported to have protective effects on the liver
and to greatly improve its function. Research suggests that milk thistle
extracts both prevent and repair liver damage due to chemical toxicity or
medications. Liver damage and accumulated toxicity have been linked to
metabolic impairments and thyroid disorders. Milk thistle works as a great
cofactor in supporting detoxification, lipid metabolism and thyroid activity.
Bacopa known for its energy boosting, cognitive enhancing properties,
bacopa has been traditionally used as a neuro-protective substance that
increased cognitive ability. Recent studies confirm that bacopa yields
cognitive enhancing effects with improved reaction time and memory.
Bacopa contains nutrients that have also been shown to yield antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, metabolic enhancing effects. These mechanisms of action
make bacopa a great cofactor in preventing thyroid disorders caused by
accumulated mental and physiological stress.


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Chapter 7: Eating Plans for Special Conditions

I. A daily eating plan for athletes
Bowl of berries (optional)
Coffee or tea, no sugar (can add whole milk)
Amla Berries Vitamin C (2 servings)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1 serving)
Livafect, KidneX, DigestX (1 serving each)
Glycozin (1 serving)

If you train in the morning, have Warrior Whey for post exercise recovery.

One fruit or a bowl of berries
and/or Warrior Whey/Whey Mix (1 serving)
EstroX (1 serving)
Thyrolyn (1 serving)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1 serving)

You may need to increase your vitamin dosage to support your muscles extra
demand for essential nutrients.

Clear soup
Mixed greens, tomatoes, peppers, onion, cucumber, sprouts

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Salad dressing: olive oil and lemon juice

Hard boiled eggs / 1-2 (optional)

At any time you can substitute your lunch with a bowl of fruits or Warrior Whey

Yogurt / plain, non-fat
or Warrior Whey (1 serving)
Vegetable juice / fresh squeezed (optional)
EstroX (1 serving)
Thyrolyn (1 serving)

Salad (preferably eaten first), salad dressing (olive oil and lemon juice)
Steamed vegetables (lots of crucifers, such as broccoli, cauliflower or Brussel
sprouts, zucchini, carrots, okra, Shitake mushrooms, onion)

Ideally, your meal should include the colors green, orange and red

Fish (8-16 oz)
or Organic chicken or turkey (8-16 oz)
or 6-12 Eggs / 2-3 yolks, respectively
Flaxseed or hempseed oil (1-3 tbs)
Or Naturally smoked wild catch fish (1-2 oz)

You can add a small amount of goat or sheep cheese on top of fish or egg dishes.

Try to rotate between protein choices (1 choice per meal)

Take a 20 minute break after the vegetable/protein part of the meal. This will help
promote a sense of satiety. If you feel satisfied after the 20 minute break, do not
force feed yourself. If however youre still hungry continue eating with the
following options:

Fuel food:

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Have carb fuel food such as corn kernels, rice, barley or oats (1-3 bowls,
depending on your level of physical activity)
Have fat fuel food such as almonds or pistachios (1-3 handfuls depending on
your level of physical activity)
Warrior Whey/Whey Mix (1-2 servings)
Fresh berries (1 bowl)

Do not mix grains and nuts

Do not mix berries with grains or nuts

Adjust the amount of fuel food to grant a steady fat loss progress

Late night snack

Warrior Whey (1 serving)
Berries (1 bowl) if no carbs or fat fuel food was eaten


You can chew the Warrior Whey powder directly from the canister. Chewing
involves saliva activity which enhances digestibility and may promote faster

Athletes should incorporate Warrior Whey as a daily protein snack, a desert

and/or a late night treat to increase amino acids and immuno supportive nutrients
intake for preventing muscle wasting while on a weight reduction diet.

Additional recommended supplements for athletes:

Virilman / natural testosterone support

Muscle & Body Recovery / inflammatory relief and muscle recovery

II. A daily eating plan for people who are obese


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Bowl of berries
Coffee of tea, no sugar added
Livafect, KidneX, DigestX (1 serving each)
Amla Berries Vitamin C (2 servings)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1 serving)
EstroX (1 serving)
Glycozin (1 serving)

Insulin resistant individuals should substitute fruits with Warrior Whey

One fruit (or a bowl of berries)
or Warrior Whey (1/2 1 serving)
EstroX (1 serving)
Thyrolyn (2 servings)

Clear soup
Mixed greens possibly with onions and sprouts
Salad dressing: olive oil and lemon juice (sparingly)

At any time you can skip lunch and substitute it with berries or Warrior Whey

Vegetable juice (optional)
or Warrior Whey (1 scoop)
EstroX (1 serving/optional)
Thyrolyn (1 serving)

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Large salad/mixed greens, salad dressing (olive oil and lemon juice)
Steamed or cooked vegetables (lots of crucifers, broccoli, cauliflower or
cabbage, carrots, okra, shallots, garlic)

Eat raw and steamed vegetables as much as you can to nourish/cleanse your
body and also promote satiety from feeling full

Wild catch fish (6-12 oz)

or Organic chicken, white meat (6-12oz)
or Eggs (6-12/2-3 yolks)
Flaxseed or hempseed oil (1-2 tbs)
or Smoked wild catch fish (1-1.5 oz)
Fuel food:
Beans or lentils
or Warrior Whey

Late night:
Warrior Whey (1 scoop)
or Berries (1 bowl)


Refrain from grains or nuts for the first week of the program. Obesity is largely
associated with impaired carbs and fat utilization.

After a couple of weeks of weight loss, try incorporating 1 handful of nuts or a

bowl of corn kernels and check how each of these fuel foods affect your progress.
If any of these foods cause a setback, resume your diet without it.

III. A daily eating plan for insulin resistant or diabetic



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Warrior Whey (1 serving)
Coffee of tea, no sugar added

Insulin resistant individuals can try having berries in the morning and check their
blood sugar 30 minutes after the meal. If blood sugar rises above 100, avoid all

Livafect, KidneX, DigestX (1 serving each)
Amla Berries Vitamin C (2-3 servings)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1 serving)
Glycozin (2 servings)

Glycozin should be taken upon wake-up on an empty stomach

Warrior Whey (1/2 serving)
EstroX (1-2 servings)
Thyrolyn (1-2 servings)

Salad with 1-2 boiled/poached eggs:
Glycozin (1 serving)

Glycozin should be taken 20 minutes before lunch on an empty stomach

At any time you can substitute lunch with Warrior Whey

Green vegetable juice, no carrots or beets (8 oz)
or Warrior Whey

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Insulin resistant individuals can try adding carrots and beets to the juice and
check how it affects their blood sugar 30 minutes after. If blood sugar rises above
100, refrain from carrot or beet juices.

Salad/mixed greens possibly with sprouts, onion and pepper
Salad dressing (olive oil and lemon juice, sparingly)
Avocado/sliced or guacamole (1 avocado)
Beans or lentils
Olives (black or green, no vinegar)
Wild catch fish salmon, halibut, cod, mahi mahi or flounder (6-16oz)
or Eggs (6-12/2-3 yolks)

Eggs can be boiled, poached or made as an omelet in organic tomato sauce/with

no sugar added.

Goat or sheep cheese (1-2 oz) can be added on top of salad, fish or egg dishes.

Flaxseed or hempseed oil (1-2 tbs)
or Smoked wild catch fish (1-2 oz)

Take Glycozin 20 minutes before dinner on an empty stomach

Late night:
Warrior Whey (1 scoop)

IV. A daily eating plan for people with thyroid disorders


The Stubborn Fat Solution http://www.DefenseNutriti

Bowl of berries
or Warrior Whey (1 serving)
Coffee of tea, no sugar added
Livafect, KidneX, DigestX (1 serving each)
Amla Berries Vitamin C (2 servings)
Plant Based Multivitamins (1 serving)
Thyrolyn (2 servings)
Glycozin (2 servings)

Warrior Whey (1/2-1 serving)
and/or Berries
EstroX (1 serving)
Thyrolyn (1 serving)

Clear soup
2 eggs (boiled or poached)

At any time you can substitute lunch with Warrior Whey

Vegetable juice with carrots (optional)
or Warrior Whey (1 scoop)
EstroX (1 serving)
Thyrolyn (1 serving)


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Salad/mixed greens, onion, sprouts (with olive oil and lemon juice, garlic
Steamed or cooked vegetables (zucchini, carrots, shallots, okra, tomatoes,
garlic, string beans)
Avocado or guacamole (1 avocado)

Minimize intake of cruciferous vegetables, kale and parsnips. These contain

thyroid inhibiting substances.

Wild catch fish (8-16 oz)
or Organic chicken, white meat (6-12 oz)
or Eggs (6-12/2-3 yolks)
Flaxseed or hempseed oil (1-2 tbs)
or Smoked wild catch fish (1-1.5 oz)
Fuel food:
Beans or lentils
Grains/corn kernels, barley or oats
or Nuts/almonds or pistachios

If you have grains, mix them with beans in a ratio of 1/1 (1-2 bowls)

Late night:
Warrior Whey (1 serving)

If youre insulin resistant refrain from fruits, grains yams and potatoes.

To support your thyroid naturally, use up to 4 servings of Thyrolyn per day.

Check how different fuel foods affect your progress. Check how these affect your
body temperature upon wake up.

Other optional supplements:

Virilman a natural testosterone supportive formula

Muscle & Body Recovery a natural metabolic rejuvenating formula.


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How to adjust the diet to fit your specific needs?


In case of obesity:

Maximize intake of vegetables

Minimize intake of fuel foods, grains or nuts

Use Warrior Whey as a fuel food substitute

2. In case of insulin resistance or diabetes:

Avoid all fruits for the first few weeks of the program. Instead use Warrior Whey.

Check your blood sugar 30 minutes after meals

After a few weeks, if your blood sugar is below 100, try reintroducing berries and check
how these affect your blood sugar. If your blood sugar is within the normal range, you can
eat a bowl of berries during the a.m. hours a few times per week.

3. If you exercise regularly:

Adjust your food intake to your level of physical activity

At all times, follow the recommended diet regimen. Exercise will fail to benefit your fat loss
if your diet is inadequate.
Use Warrior Whey for muscle recovery after exercise

If you lift heavy or exercise intensely for over 30 minutes, have 2 recovery meals (first

within 30 minutes after workout, and second 1 hour later). This regimen may help retain
and build up lean muscle while losing fat
4. In case of sweet cravings:
Chew Warrior Whey powder slowly (1/2 1 serving). Warrior Whey contains nutrients
(whey glycomacropeptides) which promote satiety. It is also a great tasting, naturally
sweetened treat that can be effectively used as a safe substitute for sugar laden desserts,
cakes or sweets.
Note: Sweet cravings are often a symptom of insulin resistance, low energy utilization and
related sugar addiction. Over time, the compulsive need for sweet food may dissipate and
youll be able to abolish this weakness that has been sabotaging your fat loss.

How to adjust supplementation to your specific condition?

In case of obesity, estrogen disorders or feminization of a male body: take 3

servings of EstroX daily. After leaning down, gradually decrease amount to
maintenance/1 serving daily.

In case of insulin resistance or Type II diabetes: take 2-3 servings of Glycozin

daily. Diabetic individuals should stay on a high dosages even after optimization of blood

In case of hypothyroidism: take 2-4 servings of Thyrolyn daily to grant a

sufficient thyroid supportive impact. It is recommended to sustain a high
supplementation dosage for avoiding setbacks.

In case of being engaged in intense or prolonged exercise: increase protein

intake through a larger serving of protein food and increasing daily servings of.


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Chapter 8: How to Continue with the Plan After Leaning Down

Upon noticing a substantial leaning down effect, you can move to the final phase of
the diet. In this final phase, you can try reintroducing some of your favorite foods
that were previously restricted back to your main meal. The reintroduction of foods
must be done gradually and carefully according to the following guidelines:

1. Reintroduce one food item per day.

2. Do not reintroduce more than three food items per week.
3. When reintroducing food, start with small servings (such as 6 oz. of red
meat or a small bowl-sized pasta or 2 slices of bread) and check how the
reintroduced food affects your progress. If you notice any setbacks such as
allergies, bloating or an undesirable weight gain, avoid eating this specific
4. To be on the safe side, incorporate 1-2 detox days in between the days of
reintroducing foods. In detox days, eliminate meat, grains, potatoes and
processed food.
A sample week: Monday pasta, Tuesday detox, Wednesday meat,
Thursday detox, Friday bread, Saturday detox, Sunday detox, etc.
5. Document your progress, write down a list of positive foods that fit your
metabolism vs. a list of negative foods that are problematic. This personal
database can help you make the right food choices and avoid fat gain
rebounds in the long run.

Additional Adjustments:

If you havent noticed any problem with a food item, say

chicken or pasta,

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you can gradually increase the amount that you eat and
carefully adjust it
according to your progress.

You can try reintroducing two positive food items in your meal
how this affects you and adjust the amount that you eat
according to your progress.

Remember, it may be great fun to eat again your favorite

foods, but do not take your diet for granted. Regardless to all
the above guidelines and notes, your best choices are always
unprocessed whole foods, lower on the food chain. Corn
kernels are better than corn flour, raw nuts are superior to
roasted nuts and an old fashioned oatmeal is better than
instant oatmeal.

Chapter 9: Frequently Asked Questions

I. How to Combine Food?
The premise of food combining is to keep the meal as low glycemic and digestible
as possible. And with this premise, the principles of food combining are simple:
protein and vegetables can be combined with every food group, whereas every
other food group can be combined only with its own group, or with vegetables and

Combining must be done properly. If you combine foods inadequately, you may
gain undesirable weight, regardless to how healthy your food is.


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Food Combining Guidelines


Do not combine nuts with grains

Do not combine nuts with sugar

Do not combine grains with sugar

Do not combine grain with alcohol

Do not combine sugar with alcohol

Vegetables and protein combine with everything


II. How to Design Your Meal?

In practical terms, always design your meal according to its most aggressive food
component. For instance, if you are planning to have wine, recognize that wine is
the most aggressive component of your meal and therefore should be combined
accordingly with either vegetables and protein, or vegetables, protein and nuts. For
example, wine and cheese is a better combination than wine and pasta.


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III. How to Incorporate Chocolate in Your Meal

If you decide to have chocolate, have it with a
protein/vegetables meal but do not have it after eating fuel
food such as rice, pasta, bread or nuts.

IV. Does it Matter How Much One Eats?

The amount that you eat is certainly a contributing factor. As long as your food
intake is small, you may be able to get away even with wrong food combinations.
If you have merely one little piece of dark chocolate after eating a handful of nuts,
it may not affect your progress (unless youre insulin resistant/diabetic).
Nonetheless, in case of a normal or a large food intake, food combining can make
the difference between losing fat or gaining fat. Do not take any unnecessary
risks, carefully plan your meal with the right food combinations give yourself the
best chance to achieve your goals.

V. Is it Possible to Get Results Without the Supplements?

You can follow the program based on grocery foods only and get fair results.
Nonetheless, the solution for stubborn fat requires the maximum means to
counteract the real causes behind this problem maximum rather than optimum.
For that matter, a diet alone may yield optimum results but nevertheless may not
be sufficient enough to provide all the great potential benefits you may get from
incorporating the diet and supplements together.


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Final Note
The solution for stubborn fat requires discipline and common sense. Do not do
things that dont make sense. Do not eat anything that tastes or smells bad. Do
not force feed yourself. Do not try to collect different ideas from different diets and
attempt to match them together this mute will never

You can find lots of information at and Join our forum, share you experience, learn from

To enhance your results, combine The Stubborn Fat Solution with Defense
Nutritions Tenacious Fat Solution Kit.

The Tenacious Fat Solution Kit

100% natural, no chemical additives.

Defense Nutritions Tenacious Fat Solution Kit is the only available nutritional
package today, that meticulously addresses ALL the underlying causes of
stubborn fat. The kit provides the finest and most complete fat busting nutritional
arsenal including proven effective herbal blend and essential cofactors, formulated
to provide systemic defense against the fat storing and harmful effects of estrogenic
substances in the body. It also includes potent thyroid enhancing and blood sugar
balancing herbal formulas to help increase the bodys metabolic capacity, utilize
energy and burn fat.


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1x EstroX capsules (180 caps) natural estrogenic balancing formula with a proprietary
blend of estrogen modulating plant extracts, antioxidants, immuno supportive and metabolic
balancing nutrients
3x Warrior Whey (available in vanilla & chocolate) low glycemic, delicious protein
blend with hormone free, chemical free cold processed grass fed cows whey protein
concentrate and cofactors, yielding the highest biological value
Detox Kit total body herbal cleansing formulas including:

Livafect liver supportive formula

KidnX kidney supportive formula
DigestX synbiotic, digestive tract
cleansing formula

Plant Based Multivitamins & Minerals Plant-Based vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
with cofactors in their naturally occurring, most bioactive form. Nothing synthetic added.
Natural Vitamin C from Amla Berries Amla berries vitamin C complex with all
naturally occurring cofactors, bioflavonoids, ellagic-acid and tannins, maximum antioxidant
bioactivity. No synthetic vitamin C ascorbate added.
Thyrolyn thyroid balancing formula with proven effective thyroid enhancing plant
extracts and metabolic supportive cofactors


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For More Information

To reach your health and fitness goals with the finest 100%
natural supplements, log onto


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