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Chienfu Chang

ENG 112-54
Professor Intawiwat
Journal Entries Reflection
My favorite three out of the five journal entries would probably have to be journal entry 1, 2, and
3. These three entries are my favorite because it dealt with me as a person and my experiences.
The other two were not particularly interesting to me. For journal entry 1 and 2, I already knew
a good deal about it since it dealt with me. I had to do some research for number 3 because it
was a topic I wasnt too familiar on; however, it was something I believed in. There was not
much of process for the first two entries, but the third one required some research. I had to find a
useful fact that pertained to claim, and I also had to find a NC representative. I havent done any
similar work to these particular journals. The only problem for me was with the third journal. It
required me trying to find a topic to write about and also research. This just required me to look
up the information on the internet, which was not hard. So although this was a problem, it was
easily solved.
I dont really feel anything towards these piece of works. I did not dislike writing these three
journal entries, as they mostly pertained to me and my personal experiences. They were fairly
easy to write which did not require a whole lot of effort in my opinion. There was nothing really
frustrating about these journal entries. Like I stated, they did not require that much effort to
complete. It was mostly my story, which made it easy to write.

I am not sure if my work is similar to anyone elses, but I did not try to copy anyone. It was my
story and I just wrote how I would tell it. If I were a teacher, my comments would be that I
completed what was necessary each of the journal entries. There was no real right or wrong
answer, just as long as it looked like I put in some effort and thought into each of the entries. For
the value of this piece, Id say I deserve an A. Again, there was no right or wrong in each of the
entries, just so long as it was completed meeting all of the requirements. It was not a long
assignment, and should have been fairly easy to complete.
There is nothing I would really change about this assignment. It was fairly easy to complete. I
also do not think there is anything I would have preferred to do. These were journal entries, and
there was no right or wrong answer. If there anything I would change, I would just make the
journal entries more about the writer than the assignment. For example, discussing their own
stories or personal experiences and how it relates to their writing assignments. That would
probably be the only thing I would change.

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