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Matthew 3:17

And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son,whom I love"

Matthew 19:11
Jesus replied, Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it
has been given.
Matthew 20:23
Jesus said to them, You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my
right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom
they have been prepared by my Father.
Romans 10:14
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can
they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
Psalm 27:1
[ Psalm 27 ] The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The
Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
Acts 10:6
He is staying with Simon the tanner, whose house is by the sea.
Acts 16:1
Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy
lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a
Joshua 12:1
These are the kings of the land whom the Israelites had defeated and whose
territory they took over east of the Jordan
Jeremiah 17:7
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
Ecclesiastes 10:17
Blessed is the land whose king is of noble birth and whose princes eat at a
proper time for strength and not for drunkenness.

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