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Lesson outcomes


Charley McGavigan, Victoria Shelbourn, Tom Waldron

Hockey Goalkeeping
Beresford Hockey Pitch
Number: 20-28
Ages: 18-25
Number of SEND participants: 6
Participants should be able to execute the basic kicking techniques and movements that are required of a Hockey Goalkeeper
Participants should be able to execute the basic use of hands with regards to techniques and movements that are needed of a Hockey
Participants should be able to execute the basic save and clear techniques and movements that are required of a Hockey Goalkeeper
Participants should be aware of the psychological and physiological attributes needed to be a Hockey Goalkeeper
Hockey Goalkeeper kits (at least 6)
Hockey balls
Tennis balls
Mini balls
Crazy catch nets


5 minutes

Warm up

5 minutes


5 minutes

Coaches will explain the psychological and physiological attributes needed to be a successful hockey
goalkeeper along with some pre-prepared videos that will show an insight into hockey goalkeeping (ready
position, use of hands and use of feet)
Split group up into 4 teams of equal number
One tennis ball between 2 teams
Players will play a possession game with rules from both football and netball (they can either kick or throw
the ball around to their team members without it being intercepted)
Players will execute a range of dynamic stretches in a box style drill, whilst their centre of gravity/naval is
facing forward around the whole box.

Main session

20 minutes

Stretches that should be executed are:

Sumo squats
Open the gate/close the gate
High kicks
Hamstring curls
Side steps
Spider crawls
Heal flicks
High knees
The participants will be split into 6 equal groups and each group will be allocated at least 1 full goalkeeper
kit. Each group will set themselves up by a hockey goal on the pitch and will take part in the following drills:

Kicking drill:
One player will put on the kickers and leg guards of the kit and they will stand in the goal
Other players in the group will feed tennis balls in to the keeper one at a time at a slow pace along the floor
and the keeper must try and stop the ball from going into the goal using only their feet

- Goalkeeper
- Other players in the group

Add in a target zone/gate for the keeper to clear the ball to/through
Have a change of ball from a tennis ball to a hockey ball depending on participant abilities
If a hockey ball is used, the other players in the group may use a hockey stick to feed the ball in to keeper
but must only use a push pass at medium speed
Once the chosen goalkeeper has had a chance to save and clear at least 2 balls from each player, they can
swap with one of the other players in the group

- Goalkeeper
- Other players in the group

Patting drill/Use of hands:

One player will put on the hand paddles, body armour and helmet and they will stand in the goal
Other players in the group will feed tennis balls in to the keeper one at a time at a slow pace in the air and the
keeper must try and stop the ball from going into the goal using only their hands

- Goalkeeper
- Other players in the group

Add in a target zone/gate for the keeper to clear the ball to/through
Have a change of ball from a tennis ball to a hockey ball depending on participant abilities
The other players in the team must throw the balls at a medium speed to make it a bit more challenging for
the keeper
Once the chosen goalkeeper has had a chance to save and clear at least 2 balls from each player, they can
swap with one of the other players in the group

- Goalkeeper
- Other players in the group

Full Kit:
One player in the group will wear a full hockey goalkeeper kit and all the other players have a hockey stick
The players in the group with sticks will play a pass between all of the players and then take an accurate shot
on target so that the goalkeeper has a chance to save and clear the ball
Once the shot has been taken, a second shot can be fed to the goalkeeper using a tennis ball and tennis
racquet, this will allow for the goalkeeper to use both hands and feet to save and clear the ball

Once the goalkeeper has been fed at least 5 hockey balls and 5 tennis balls, a different player in the group
will put the kit on

In order to keep the players warm that are not in the kits, Hex ladders can be used and they can perform an
agility circuit before feeding the ball into the goalkeeper.

Game related

15 minutes

In the example above, the player will step into the first hex, then step out to the side (by the cone), then step
back into the first hex and then move forward in to the second and repeat until they get to the end of the hex
ladder where they will feed the ball in for the goalkeeper.
Conditioned rounders game:
Fielding team all have sticks and can only touch the ball using their stick
Batting team all wear goalkeeper kits
A bucket of balls will be sat next to the bowler and a ball will be taken out one at a time to feed into the batter
If a hockey ball is fed in, the batter will have to kick the ball and if a tennis ball is fed in, the batter will have
to pat the ball down
The fielders then have to get the ball using their sticks and get the ball back to the bowler or somebody on a
post (like normal rounders rules) in order to stop a batter from running or to get them out.
The team with the most runs wins the game
4th base
1st base

3rd base
2nd base
5 minutes
Collect all equipment
Dynamic stretches
Feedback of session
Key rules relating to Hockey Goalkeeping:

1. Goalkeepers inside the D wearing full padding and protective equipment are permitted to use their stick, feet, kickers, or leg guards to
propel the ball and to use their stick, feet, kickers, legs, leg guards, helmet or any other part of their body to stop the ball or deflect it in any
2. A goalkeeper in protective equipment including at least a helmet, leg guards and kickers must not participate in the game outside the 25 yard
area they are defending, except when taking a penalty flick.
3. It is unacceptable for goalkeepers to conduct themselves in a dangerous manner towards other players by taking advantage of the protective
equipment. For example taking a player out without touching the ball, in an aggressive manner.
4. Goalkeepers or players with goalkeeping privileges must not lie on the ball, this is obstruction and a penalty corner or penalty flick would be
5. When the ball is outside the D they are defending, goalkeepers or players with goalkeeping privileges are only allowed to play the ball with
their stick.
6. Goalkeepers can give away a penalty corner or flick if; 1. They obstruct the ball 2. Contact the player without getting the ball first 3.
Aggressive play towards the opposition 4. Use the back of their stick 5. If the ball is saved and considered dangerous by the umpires; i.e. a
save that travels forwards higher than knee height. 6. If the ball is perceived as put purposely off the back line this is also a short corner.
7. A goalkeeper smock (shirt) must be a different colour to that of the home team, away team and umpires top. The smock should not be the
same colour as the rest of the goalkeepers kit.

8. The goalkeeper must start behind the line on a penalty corner and with their heels on the line for a penalty flick.
(England Hockey 2015) (ISport 2015)

England Hockey. (2015). Rules of Hockey. Available: Last accessed November 2015.

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