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Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Motor differences in higher & lower skilled students
School Site: ___Cleveland Elementary ______________________
Date: _November 9, 2015_____________
Activity Observed: __Parachute_________________
Grade AgeLevel: __3rd__
DIRECTIONS: You will observe many children performing many different kinds of
skills. Select 8 (or as many as you can) different tasks and describe how the high skilled
students and the low skilled students are performing.

Activity #1:

Higher Skilled

Lower Skilled

- Too aggressive with

- Don't show any interest in

shaking the parachute.

the activity

- Focus on popping the

- barely wave their side of

fuzzy balls as high in the

air as possible with their
side of the parachute
Able to get all of their
assigned fuzzy balls
within a matter of minutes

the parachute

- Don't even try to put an


attempt in placing the

fuzzy balls in the center
Loose concentration and
focus more on retrieving
the fuzzy balls that already
made it in the center.

Teacher __Sheldon Simas_____________________ Time spent @ site 30

Observer __Cassidy, Zoe, and Thoren________________________________ /
(Date) November 9, 2015

Drs. Killick and Wyant (2013). Sport Pedagogy.

Activity #2:
Parachute cont.

- Show aggression when


waving the parachute

Focus on how high they
can get the parachute
towards the sky
Run under the parachute
even though their color
isn't called
Continue to show
enthusiasm with the

- Don't show any interest in


the activity
barely wave their side of
the parachute
Don't bother to run under
the parachute, even when
their color is called on

Teacher __Sheldon Simas_____________________ Time spent @ site 30

Observer __Cassidy, Zoe, and Thoren________________________________ /
(Date) November 9, 2015

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