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Write a journal entry that reflects on your experience while writing your Argument

paper. What did you struggle with? Were you able to refer to material discussed in
class to inform your reasoning or decision making? If so, what? Are there outside
resources (i.e. books, peers, etc.) that helped you through the process? Due
Monday 11/23 by 11:59 p.m.

My argument paper was about how you should get your child detected for scoliosis
at a young age. Although, I had a clear claim, it was still difficult to find good
evidence and reasoning to back my claim up. Even though I did find some evidence
to back it up, I feel like I didnt have enough to persuade a parent or guardian into
getting their child detected early. There was some outside resources that helped me
through my process. I got peer review from some people that gave me good
criticism which assisted me with my paper. Some websites on the internet helped
me with my paper. They gave me certain reasons and evidence to back up make
claim. Some of the evidence includes what can happen if you dont get detected
early. Also there was a biography that I used which was about a lady who didnt get
her scoliosis treated at a young age and now she is facing big consequences for it. I
did not refer to material that we discussed in class to inform my reasoning or
decision process. Overall, I did struggle with the paper a little bit, but at the end of
the whole process, it came together and I created a strong, persuasive paper.

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