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Conditions of Baiat given by the Promised Messiah (as)

Abstain from Shirk - Putting your trust in anything over Allah to accomplish
any task is also Shirk.
Stay away from falsehood, fornication, trespasses of the eye, disobeying any
commandment of Allah, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion.
Offer five daily prayers and try your best for Tahajjud prayer daily. Also on
daily basis, invoke Durud, seek forgiveness (Istighfaar) & remember Allah.
Do no harm to the creatures of God by your tongue, hands or any other
Remain faithful to God in all conditions, accept His decree willingly, stay
ready to face all sufferings for His sake and do not turn away from Him
during difficult times.
Refrain from unIslamic customs, completely submit yourself to Quran &
sayings of Rasulullah (sa) in all walks of life.
Give up pride Live with humbleness and cheerfulness.
Prefer faith & honour of faith over your wealth, family and everything else.
Serve mankind for Gods sake to the best of your abilities.
Obey me and remain faithful to me more than any other worldly

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