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Lesson Plan for Workshop #1 remix project

Activity #1: Please visit the following website for a good example of a
multigenre activist project.
These are good examples of remix projects in action. What genres do the
creators use to make people aware of the problem? Do you feel as though
these genres are effective in making their point?
Activity #2: Working on your remix project:
1. If you have decided on which genres you will use for your project,
continue on to #2. If not, decide and plan on 2 genres to use.
2. Complete the following chartthis is your rationale chart, which will
be submitted with your final project. In the boxes on the next page,
please provide a brief explanation of the following for each of your
a. Why this genre? Why is this a better genre to use versus some
b. Who is the audience?
c. How is the message conveyed through this genre?
d. Are there any assumptions or power inequalities inherent in this
3. Working with your inquiry group, discuss your project and any
issues you are having with how to present your solution through your
genres. Do you need to make any changes to your project? Why/why
Genre #1 Painting
1. A painting is a passive genre
but is one that is more
accessible to people rather
than a paper.. It requires much
less energy to view and
2. The target audience is the
outsiders in this situation it
would be the majority that

Genre #2 Painting Review

1. This genre is better than others
because it is a perfect way to
deconstruct the painting and
explain it to someone if they do
not understand it. It is the best
way to perfectly explain it.
2. The audience will have been
the people who have looked at
the panting and want to have

have grown up being told that

the police are their friends and
are people that they can trust.
Especially since there are so
many people who are hearing
the completely opposite story
and are being told to hide and
be wary of police.
3. The message is conveyed
through a portrait in which the
audience is peering inside an
open window and is seeing the
tales that children are hearing.
With a speech bubble the
physical message will be seen
and the audience will
understand why there is a child
clutching his knees almost like
he is afraid.
4. Because this is a passive genre
the audience will need to
actually stop and see it. People
dont really want to perform
research so what they see they
will believe. But since this is
only one painting it becomes a
lot harder for this to be
accessible to anyone.
Because Im not a famous
painter obviously this painting
might not make that big of a
difference and it would be hard
for this to be something that
really impacts many people
aside from this class, although
it is a very serious subject that
needs to be talked about more.

more information on it.

3. The message in this genre is
conveyed through and artistic
review and adding the
reviewers opinions on the
painting in there as well.
4. Power inequalities are similar
to the painting; its a passive
genre so it requires the
audience to presumably want
to know more about the
painting. This requires the
painting to be interesting and
something that people will
actually want to see. Not only
that bit this requires the
painting be something that
people will actually care about..
Which is often very difficult.

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