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Day 7 Tuesday, November 10th 2015

Classroom rules
Identify the classroom rules and identify how these rules are being
reinforced during the school day
Note any opportunities to teach these rules or write your ideas on how
to teach these rules (see Table 4 at end of this document for example)
Classroom rules

Opportunities to teach these rules

(both observed and ideas of your own)

1-The children aren't

allowed to bring anything
in the classroom except
for the English file.

2-No Arabic in class

3-Dont answer out of turn

_ The students come into the class in a row so

the teacher can check if they have a pencil case
or not
- When all the students are in the class, the
teacher just says, "pencil case" just in case
someone brought in their pencil case. If they did,
they should take it back to the bag Because the
teacher usually likes to give the students the
materials they need such as pencils and colours
Moreover, she does this because if a child brings
in a different-than-usual item, it's going to
distract other children.
-I the teacher asks the helper hand should check
again if any of the students have their pencil
cases. If they do, the helper hand should give ut
to the teacher.
-Whenever someone talks in Arabic in class, the
teacher tells that person's seat mate that she's
not going to reply because he's talking in Arabic
-if the students call the teacher in Arabic, she
ignores him until he calls her in English
- the teacher tells the students to say the rules
together out loud

-The teacher asks them not to talk unless she

called them out
-The teacher dosent allow them to talk when
other students are answering.
-She punished them by not letting them answer
for few minutes. She also asked the student in

fault to apologise to the other student that he

had talked.

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