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Use this Template to fill out your lesson plan. (Add more space to any section if you need it.) Don’t
forget the reflection at the end (part F), as well. Refer to the rubric to be sure you have included all

A. Students and Setting:

Students’ age is 9-10. They are in the fourth grade of elementary school. They have been learning
English for 4 years since the first grade. Some of them have been learning English since kindergarten
and some students have extra lessons with their parents at home. The language proficiency and
motivation in those students is visibly higher than in the rest of the class. Some of the weakest students
in the class belong to the Roma minority. Some of them even have problems with reading and writing
in their mother tongue. For students who have the most difficulties with language acquisition, there is
an additional class (a remedial class) held once a week. There are no more than 10 students in this class
so it is possible to work with students according to their individual needs more attentively.

The lesson will be taught in a state, public elementary school. There are 24 students in the class. We
meet two times a week for 45 minutes. The desks and chairs can easily be moved around depending on
the needs of the class. There is a CD player, a blackboard, a projector, a computer and three pinboards.
If some students don’t have their art supplies with them (such as paper, glue or scissors), they can take
them from the mutual art supply in the classroom.

B. Lesson Background:

The lesson covers Lesson 1 of Unit 3 in the textbook. Lesson 1 should be taught for three lessons. This
will be the second lesson. During the first lesson the children learnt about Greg’s street. They revised
the structure there is/are to describe a place. They revised the vocabulary needed to describe some of
the things we see in a street(eg. a bakery, a greengrocer’s, a park). They also revised prepositions of
place and learnt three new prepositions (opposite, on the left side of, on the right side of). They had a
drawing dictation exercise in groups to utilize new vocabulary.

In this lesson they will be given a set of boxes and stickers to make buildings and shops in the street
according to description. Afterwards they will be given a riddle ie a description of the position of the
building in the street. They will have to position the buildings to match the description.

To further strengthen new vocabulary units students will play a guessing game at the end of the class.
Different objects connected to the shops will be displayed on a table. Students will be blindfolded and
they will have to guess the objects by touching and smelling them and also say where those objects can
be purchased or found.
The third and final part of Lesson 1 will be dedicated to revising through games and pair work.


C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:

The students will be able to use there is/are structures to describe a street. They will be able to name
things in the street. They will use prepositions of place to talk about where things are. They will be able
to ask and answer questions using Is there / Are there? They will be able to ask for directions. They
will be able to connect the product to the shop.

D. Materials and Sources:.

Materials: Flashcards. Empty cardboard boxes (form cereals, lasagna, coffee, milk etc.), shop symbols
(eg. a loaf of bread for a bakery, a candy bar for a sweet shop), scissors, glue, paper. Shop objects: a
piece of bread (bakery), an apple (greengrocer’s), a tomato can (supermarket), a book (library), a bus
ticket (bus stop), a ball (toy shop), a puppet (theatre), a fork and a spoon (restaurant), popcorn
(cinema), a small statue (museum), an envelope (post office), a coin (bank), a lollipop (sweet shop). A
blindfold. A sheet.

E. Procedures / Timing:  

List step by step what you will do in class, and what you expect the students to do. How will you
provide opportunities for students to talk to each other, for example with group or pair work? Make
sure that you include the use of authentic materials/realia AND pair/group work appropriately. Be sure
the time that is allocated is appropriate. The reader needs to be able to visualize how the lesson will

Your lesson should be about 40-60 minutes long, though it can be longer. Try to
divide the steps logically, where the teacher moves to a different activity.

Teacher does/says . . . Students do/say . . .
time needed
1. Teacher greets the students and takes attendance. Students greet the teacher and
1 min
  prepare for class.
2. Teacher reminds students about Greg’s street from
Students chorally with the help
the previous lesson. She encourages students to say if
of the teacher revise the shops 1 min
they remember which shops can be found in Greg’s
and positions.
street and how they are positioned.
Students come to the
blackboard. A student (others
3. Teacher calls out five students and gives them can help too) tells them where
flashcards with photos of shops. She asks a student to to stand (eg. The bakery is in 2 min
order them like they are in Greg’s street. front of the greengrocer’s. The
toy shop is next to the
4. Teacher sends the students to their places. She Students listen to instructions 2 min
explains that today they will have the opportunity to and divide into groups.
make their own shops and buildings and to make a
plan of the street according to a description they will
get. She says that they will have 20 minutes to finish
the task. She reads the list of students who belong to
each group and then puts the lists to the blackboard for
everyone to see and check if they are uncertain which
group they belong to. Next to the students’ names are
also their roles in the group. The groups were made
according to proficiency in English and art. Students
who are stronger in English were mixed with weaker
students but then weaker students were given roles
that will contribute to the project as well. Also,
students who are stronger in art were given roles of
projecting the street and the surroundings.
5. Teacher distributes the boxes with materials to
desks. While she is at each desk, she reminds the Students listen to instructions
students of their roles again and explains each role in and distribute materials 2 min
more details if needed. according to roles.
6. Students begin to work. Teacher watches if all
groups managed to divide the work according to roles.
She jumps in where help is needed. During the group
work, teacher starts putting realia on the desk for the
game at the end of the class and covers it with a sheet
Students work following
so the students can’t see the objects. After the table 20 min.
has been prepared, she goes around the class and
checks if everyone understands and uses target
structures and vocabulary. She also writes the
remaining time on the blackboard.
7. After the end, the students orally present their work
and they are given some time to go around the class
and look what other groups have done. While the
Students present their work and
groups are walking around the class, the teacher will 5 min.
inspect friends’ work.
ask questions about other maps and drawings to see if
students understand the positioning correctly and are
able to use the phrases in a new context.
8. After the setups have been put on display in the
classroom, the teachers calls the students to sit on the
floor in front of the blackboard. She explains that she
prepared some objects from different shops and places
that were covered in the lesson and that she needs a
volunteer to come a try to guess an object while
blindfolded and also to say where it can be bought.
11 min
The students come to the desk and put their hand The students play the game.
under the sheet and pull out an object. If they have
troubles with guessing, the other students help them
with clues. They are encouraged and reminded to give
clues in English. The students who is guessing the
object is also reminded to speak in English as much as
9. Teacher gives homework. Students need to draw a
Students note what they have
short description of their street (or any other street in 1 min
for homework.
the town) and describe it in three sentences.

F. Learner Feedback/Formative Assessment:

In the first part of the lesson the main objectives are using the phrase there is/are correctly and
describing a street by using prepositions of place correctly as well. In this phase I will try to give my
feedback mainly through gestures (to make students remember where objects are) and through
encouraging them to remember where they have heard that phrase before and to connect it with
something familiar and already covered from the past. I also think it is useful to let students use the
textbook if confused because this also makes them self-sufficient and independent learners.

In the second part of the lesson the main objective is to revise the vocabulary items. While students are
giving clues about the objects I won’t be correcting mistakes on grammar but when they say the final
name it will have to be correctly pronounced. If a mistake happens, I will ask the student to repeat the
word. I will try to help by saying “the first letter is…” or “it rhymes with…”. If the mistake occurs
again, I will ask a classmate to help.

Since I anticipate some students not to be able to participate in all the activities due to their knowledge
gaps, I will take notes on the parts that trouble them the most and go through them once again during
remedial class (once a week).

G. Extended Reflection:

a) This lesson plan is almost exactly the same as the one in Week 2. I only added some more
information about the setting and described in more details some steps during the class. I thinks this
makes it easier and more comprehensible for other potential users of this lesson plan.

(b) This lesson uses authentic materials and realia through games, crafts and projects. Students are
provided with a variety of experiences to help them adopt the vocabulary concepts more easily and
later on to use them with certainty. The important part of the lesson is hands on experience that
improves deeper understanding of concepts. Homework is also intended to help students personalize
the concepts and use them in a new context.

Group work in this lesson is carefully planned following the guidelines given in the article. Its purpose
was to develop collaborative learning and to give each student an opportunity to contribute to the
project and become an active participant in the learning process. Roles in the group were distributed
according to students’ language proficiency, personality and other interests.

This lesson is appropriate to the age group mentioned above because it includes the tasks that are
challenging enough but not too complicated. I believe that all age groups like crafty and hands on
activities. The game included in the end of the lesson is also highly motivating and gives opportunity to
revise and use vocabulary in a new context.

Formative assessment and learner feedback is adjusted for every activity according to its objective. I
try to use various types of feedback but I also try to be predictable in situations because my experience
showed that students learn better when they feel they are in a safe environment without many surprises
regarding their assessment and feedback. Students know what to expect in every activity and that my
feedback is aimed at improving their results, not making them feel ashamed.



1. Student 1 – Leader + time monitor (distributes materials, checks if everyone's on task, presents the
project, reminds the group of the time left, helps where needed)

2. Student 2 – Creative director (cuts and pastes symbols, decorates boxes)

3. Student 3 – Creative director (cuts and pastes symbols, decorates boxes)

4. Student 4 – Engineer (reads the street description, draws the outlines, arranges the boxes)

5. Student 5 - Engineer (reads the street description, draws the outlines, arranges the boxes)



The bakery is between the toy shop and the greengrocer's.

The toy shop is on the right side of the bakery.

The greengrocer's is on the left side of the bakery.

The supermarket is opposite the bakery.

The sweet shop is next to the supermarket.

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