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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Motfolea Dana-Maria

School: Școala Gimnazială Piatra Șoimului-Structura Lumuniș
Class: 5TH GRADE
Date: 26.01.2022
Coursebook: Limba modernă 1 engleză (Right On) Uniscan, Jenny Dooley

Visual aids: worksheets, whiteboard,

Types of activities: whole class, individual work
Types of interaction: Teacher-Student, Student-Student,Student-Teacher
Grammar Topic: this-these/ that-those
Warm-up activity: WHERE DO YOU LIVE?
Vocabulary in Use: bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, hall, garden, furniture, bed, sofa,
armchair, curtains, wardrobe, cupboard, lamp,
Time: 50 minutes
Skills: Integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Strategies: exercise, game, handouts, conversation, Brainstorming
Aim: to develop and practice the vocabulary related to houses, parts of a house and pieces of
Subsidiary Aims:
 Students will be able to recognize and name different rooms of a house and pieces of
 Students will be able to use the targeted vocabulary in context
 Students will be able to use the forms of demonstrative pronouns…this-that-these-
 Students will be able to say what pieces of furniture can be found in each room

Level: Beginner
Learning Activities:
 answer simple questions based on the topic
 ask questions based on the topic
 read a text based on the topic
 use the learned vocabulary in context
Communicative Functions: to speak about their house and about the rooms in a house
Evaluation: Conversation, exercise,writing,reading
Type of Lesson: Consolidation
Tim Skills Activities What the student does
2 Speakin The teacher greets the children and introduces herself,
min g telling them that they are going to do the English class Students answer the
together. Then, she asks them whether they had any questions.
homework and checks is together with the pupils. Students read their
Link between warm-up and presentation
Name of the activity: Where do you live?
The teacher informs the students that the topic of the
lesson is “HOME SWEET HOME” and writes the title
on the whiteboard.
4 The teacher shows two pictures to the children: one with Students listen and
min a house and the other with a block of flats. She asks answer the questions
Speakin them what they can see in the pictures. Then, the using the vocabulary
g children are asked some questions related to the place previously learned
they live in:
e.g. Where do you live?
Do you live in a house or in a flat?
Do you like your house?
How many rooms has it got?
Which is your favourite room in your house?
Students listen and

Each pupil is provided with a set of worksheets but they
are asked to keep them upside down for the moment.
The teacher informs them that they are going to listen to
a song named “A spider in my bathroom”. The teacher
plays the song once. When the song ends, the teachers
15- asks the students whether they liked it or not and asks Students listen and take
17 them to name as many insects as they can remember notes
min Listenin from the song. Then, the children are prepared for the
g next task.
Writing The teacher informs them that they can look at their
worksheets. They can see there the lyrics of the song
they have just listened to but some words are missing
from it. The teacher explains to them that they are going
to listen again to the song and complete the missing
words. The teacher plays the song again.
After the song finishes, the teacher checks the
completion of the task by asking several pupils to read
their answers.
If the task was not completed successfully, the teacher Students read and sing
plays the song for the third time.
Afterwards, the teacher names some children to read the
lyrics of the song and then invites the pupils to sing
along. They sing the song together.

5 Practice 1 Students listen to the

min The teacher puts on the whiteboard a set of flashcards, instructions and go to
some showing pictures of different rooms of the house the whiteboard to
Speakin and others with the name of the rooms written on them. complete the task.
g The flashcards are mixed up. Then she informs the
students that they have to take turns and go to the
whiteboard and match each room with its name. She
appoints certain students to go to the whiteboard and do
the task.

min Practice 2 Exercise no 1 from the handout
The teacher writes the names of the rooms on the Students give
whiteboard. She asks the pupils to give examples of examples.
Speakin pieces of furniture that can be found in each handout.
g e.g.:Write questions and give answers.
What is this/that? What are these/those? etc. Students take notes.
Writing She writes the words on the whiteboard and the students
write down the words in their notebooks. If the students
cannot give examples, the teacher helps them by
showing them flashcards with various objects.

Practice 3 Exercise no 2 from the handout

Students listen to the
On the worksheets the pupils received at the beginning teacher’s explanations
of the class, they can find the picture of a house together and write the answers
5 with some questions. The teacher now informs the on their worksheets.
min students that they have to look at the picture and then
answer the questions using “this/these” or “that/those”.
e.g.: What is/are this/these?
This is a sofa. These are pictures.
What is/are that/those? Students read their
Writing That are lamps. Those are armchairs. answers.
The teacher allows the children some time to write their
answers (about 2 minutes). While the students are
writing their answers, the teacher walks among their
desks. When the time is up, the teacher informs the
students that they have to finish. Afterwards, she asks
them to read their answers and corrects any possible
9 mistakes.

Evaluation Exercise no 3 from the handout

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