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The place I would like to travel would be Paris.


I want to travel to Paris because I want to go see the life style, I feel like they live
such a clam and peaceful life.

While Im there I plan on visiting the Eiffel Tower.

This person is Emma Watson.

The birth date of Emma Watson is April 15, 1990.

I would like to eat at this restaurant in Paris Oronero

Caffe E Gelato.

Facts about Paris are the following,

1. Paris is France capital
2. The time is 8 hours later then here in Colorado
3. The population is 2.244 million people
4. There are 6,100 streets in the city!
5. There is only ONE stop sign in the city of Paris
An attraction in this city is the Eiffel Tower.
The Eiffel Tower weighs 10000 tons
Most restaurants seat people outside because of the nice
There is 6100 streets in the city

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