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I have learned that is surprisingly difficult to make a professional looking video.

It took a
lot of editing as well as adding in extra slides to make sure that the video was not choppy. I
found that it was very difficult to make the video professional and not choppy. It was also hard to
cut out parts of my video without it looking unprofessional and making it seem like the video
was supposed to end where it was clipped. It took me a little bit to figure out how to insert slides
in between video clips that stated which step we were on or what exactly I would be showing in
that next clip. I also found it difficult to get my video to be in between two and five minutes. For
a demonstrational video, I had to actually demonstrate myself making the pinwheel, and I had to
be very aware of the time that it was taking me to make this craft. Because of this, I had to take
multiple shots of what I was trying to get in one shot, and I learned that I had to multitask. This
means that I could not just explain what I would be doing and then demonstrate. I had to explain
and demonstrate what I was explaining at the same time in order to manage my time in the best
possible way.
I could use this in my future classroom for doing more demonstrational videos. I could
also use them for if I am absent for a day in order to make sure my students still learn the lesson
in a thorough manner in the way that I wanted them to be taught. I could make many lessons
ahead of time so that when I am sick or absent from teaching any day, they can further their
learning instead of doing busy work which is basically a waste of their time. This would make
me feel more accomplished as a teacher, and hopefully make them feel better as a student.
I could also take videos of classes or in class demonstrations that I do and then upload
these videos to a class website so that they can go back and watch the videos again if they feel
like they missed something or if they missed class that day. It would be a way for me to
personally reach out to the struggling student in my class or the student who may have just
stayed home from class because they were sick.
I have learned a lot from using Windows Live Movie Maker. It is designed in order to
give you the best possible homemade videos that you can make. It was pretty simple to use, and
most of the work and editing could be done using this single software to a certain extent. I could
even do all of my recording in this software and it would be placed into my video in the order
that I made the video clips. If I however did not want the video to be in that order, I was able to
quickly and easily move around the different video clips and frames to an order that suited me. It
was also easy to add in special effects such as the title fading in so that it was not too abrupt or
out of place in my demonstrational video.
Overall, I was very pleased with how my video came out and how easy it was to create. I
would definitely utilize this in my future classroom. This would be very good for visual learners
as well as children who struggle in holding their attention to a certain subject for long periods of
time. I really enjoyed using this tool.

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