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Albania has a rich musical

tradition and especially folklore.

The interpretation of Albanian
folklore music varies a great deal
from polyphony (songs without
instruments) to flute or bagpipe

polyphony to other kinds of songs

and instruments altogether.
Northern Albania uses specific
types of instruments such as:
lahuta (single string instrument),
ifteli, sharki and drums. While in
the south iso-polyphony is

food has
been strongly
influenced by
food. Grilled meats
like shishqebap
(shish kebab),
romsteak (minced
meat patties) and

Albania is an incredibly hospitable

culture and has its own particular
traditions of courtesy. They are very
closely related to the notion of
hospitality.Many Albanian traditions
of hospitality come from The Kanun,
or "The Code", a 15th-century text
written by the powerful Dukagjin
clan, although many of the laws
written in the code date from earlier
times .
As written in The Kanun, the guest
will be shown the highest respect by
being offered a seat at the head of
the table. The guest is then regaled
with the best the family has to offer,
usually taking the form of
homemade raki, traditional liquor.

It is an Albanian tradition to shake

hands when meeting one another, and

If you are lucky enough to be invited to visit

in many cases, they kiss each other on

an Albanian's home, you will be treated as

the cheeks, generally four times. One of

the most common gesticulation
confusions arises from the fact that

Albanians nod their heads up and down

to mean "no", and shake their heads left
to right to indicate "yes". Another
specific Albanian gesture that may be
confusing to foreigners is when the
palm is placed in the chest, it expresses
thanks.Albanians are friendly and very

open towards foreigners that visit their


royalty .

Handicraft in Albania has long-standing

traditions. A high level of development
and artistic technique is noted even in
Illyrian times .

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