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Reading Assessment

Grade Level: 1st Grade

WIDA Proficiency Level: 3 (Developing)
WIDA Standards (2012): English language learners will process:
Discourse with a series of extended sentences
Related issues
Compound and some complex (e.g., noun phrase, verb phrase, preposition phrase)
grammatical constructions
Sentence patterns across content areas

ELD Standard 3: The Language of Mathematics

Students at all levels of English language proficiency interact with grade-level words and
Topic: Coins
VA Math SOL: 1.7 The student will a) identify the number of pennies equivalent to a nickel, a
dime, and a quarter; and b) determine the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and dimes
whose total value is 100 cents or less.

Selective Reading
Purpose: Assesses a childs ability to recognize lexical, grammatical, or discourse features of
language within a very short stretch of language, using one set of content related sentences.
Directions: Test-takers will hear and see: Read the passage below. For each blank circle the
correct word to finish the sentence. (1 point for each correct answer.) The passage will be read
aloud and the teacher will pause for each blank, reading each option for the blanks.
Example: Money can be _____ or paper.
A) spent B) coins C) plastic
Joel goes to the store to buy some candy. He doesnt want to 1)spend all of his money; he
wants to save some of it. He buys a lollipop that 2)costs 25 cents, so he uses a 3)quarter. Joel
sees a chocolate bar that costs a dime. He looks in his pocket for 4)ten 5)cents to buy it. Joel
only has a nickel left. He doesnt want to spend it; he wants to 6)save it for another time.
1. A) save
B) spend
C) take

4. A) 25
B) 10
C) 15

2. A) costs
B) buys
C) saves

5. A) cents
B) dollars
C) dimes

3. A) nickel
B) penny
C) quarter

6. A) use
B) save
C) spend

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