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Annotated Bibliography: Community Report on Animal Services

Annotated Bibliography: Community Report on Animal Services

Aaron Escajeda
University of Texas at El Paso

Annotated Bibliography: Community Report on Animal Services


Animal Services. Shelter Services. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2015, from
The Animal Shelter of El Paso is a shelter for stray and lost animals for the community. They
provide education to the public on responsible pet ownership. The shelter also enforces animal
laws, and provides care and comfort for strays. Pets may be adopted and get serviced which
means the pet is microchipped, spaded, and vaccinated. This source helps me provide
information on the local shelter of El Paso; it also answers my questions on Animal services goal
and purpose of shelters and what their procedures are.
Texas Department of State Health. Rules. ( September 1st, 1989 ). Retrieved October 13, 2015,
This site has a list of rules and regulations that the state of Texas Animal Services must follow. It
provides law on containment of the animals, to euthanasian processes, and much more. This
source is very credible because it is the actual laws of Texas. It goes in depth of how issues that
can arise from animals carrying diseases. The main purpose is to set rules to prevent infection of
humans and dangerous animals that can enter and harm the community. The list also provides
what the shelter facility must maintain and keep up to code. Over the entire source it provides
informative facts of how shelters and animal services are operated in the state of Texas.
Texas State Department of Health. Allowable Methods of Euthanasia. ( September 1st, !989 ).
Retrieved October 13, 2015, from$ext.TacPage?

Annotated Bibliography: Community Report on Animal Services


Allowable Methods of Euthanasia is a document of laws for proper ways to perform

euthanasians. It reviews how they should be performed and the types of euthanasians that are
approved by the state, how the animals should be handled, and the different types of procedures
for the species. This answers my question of how the procedures are conducted. The document
has humane produces and do not intend on hurting the animal. There are not markings or
mutilation of their bodies such as shooting the animal.
Texas Department of State Health. Animal Control Officer Training. ( September 1st, 1989).
Retrieved October 13, 2015, from
The Training of the Animal control officer is an important to the shelters resource of
employment. It is a document of laws of how to become an officer they must pass tests, and be
educated on procedures in order to receive their job. Just as any officer they must meet certain
physical requirements to make use of working. The purpose of looking into the officers is to see
through their eyes what they must go through and what they do for an occupation. This is a
reliable source because it is Texas law and is set up to make sure they are trained to perform their
best at work. It is crucial for the officer to complete their job right or there can be problems that
arise due to an uncompleted procedure.
Environmental Services. Animal Services Field Operations. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14,
This site shows the field operations that Animal Services do for our community. They take care
of wild animals, strays, and dangerous animals. Another service is to control rats and mosquitoes
in our community by doing pest control duties. Their main job is to enforce animal laws which

Annotated Bibliography: Community Report on Animal Services


include prosecuting people who abuse animals of any kind. They inform the public of laws and
regulations as well to keep the public educated on animal laws in El Paso. The website helps
depict what Animal Services provides for our community. It also gives more answers on how
they do it and what needs to be controlled to keep a healthy community.
Humane Society of El Paso. Found a Stray. (n.d.) Retrieved October 15, 2015, from
This article is about strays in El Paso and what someone can do to help them out. It is also about
the Humane Society of El Paso another animal shelter option for stray animals. They are a nonkill shelter which means they do not euthanize the animals. They go through an adoption process
for people to pick and choose animals of their liking. Due to the adoption process this shelter is
full half of time which means if you are going to take an animal to the shelter it may not have
room to accept the animal. This source help answer the question of other shelter options for
animals that does not go through the euthanasian process. It also provides important information
for what to do with any lost or stray animal.
PETA. Euthanasia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2015, from
This article is from the organization PETA and it informs the reader on the topic of euthanasia. It
tells on why it is performed such as dangerous and sick animals. It also tells on over population
of the animals on how it is controlled. When these procedures are done they are meant to let the
animal go peacefully and not cause pain. This answers the question of why euthanasia has to be
done. They also provide information on wrong operations of euthanasians and how it goes
against law.

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