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List of websites
Should elderly people have to retake there test?
YES they should
This doc show a pie chart of
people who feel unsafe from
driving behind an old person.

No they shouldnt
This article is saying that if they
have to retake there test then it
will isolate older people from the
rest of the community
This says that people over
the age of 70 are the most
likely to commit a road crime.
So should retake there test

This website says that if they are
too old to drive than they will
know and stop due to them not
wanting to harm other people.
This doc is to do with young
people being more irresponsible
in their car than an older person.

This web site is a publically

voted web page which is
looking at the general public
rather than one opinion.


this website show year by

year the amount of people
who think that people over
the age of 70 should have to
retake there driving test.

They want old people to

retake their driving test the
ensure that they are a safe

They have a collection of data

which they can use to explain their
view on the situation.

This show that more young

people have driving accidents
rather than people over the age
of 70.

The topic that has been chosen is should elderly people have
to retake there test? This is a good topic as there is people on
both sides who can argue for and against whether people
should have to retake there test or not. The reason I have
chosen to explain this topic is there are more young drivers on
the road than ever before this sets up an argument of young
people accusing older people of being unsafe drivers who need
to retake there test. Whereas the older people who drive think
that young drivers are dangers and should not be allowed on
the road
People for older people retaking there driving test
There are lots of people out there in the U.K who want people
over the age of 60 to retake there driving test and prove that
they are road safe. The website

MATTHEW HILL Mock is an independent website which

allows people to vote for their opinion on topic such as this one.
This is a reliable website as it is not one persons opinion but
thousands this stops people being bias towards the older
generation. The current figure for the debate is 89% saying
they should have to retake there driving test. This is not bias as
it is a collection of peoples opinions from either side of the
debate. Another source to back up the clime is
This website shows us a pie chart as show below

This pie chart show us that nearly a third of people who drive
are concerned about the way old people drive on the roads.
This website could be bias as it is written by one person but on
the other hand he has used facts and figures to back up any
statement he has made. On the other this person has got facts
and figures to back up their arguments about making old
people having to retake there driving test.
The is website
Is goods as it looks at the older peoples health issues as a
whole and knows that as people get older their reactions get
slower and they are more likely to have a crash due to their
poor reaction time. This website is not bias as it focuses on


older peoples health issues, it also says that some of the drugs
that older people take to keep well also has a massive impact
on their driving performance.
This website also agrees with the other three and
has this graph to back up its statement

This graph show the public what it voted for. This graph shows
that the younger driver you are the more in favour to want
elderly people to retake there driving test. The older drivers 65+
have a vested interest in themselves as they are the ones who
will be paying for it not the younger drivers. This is not a bias
vote as the 45-64 till have out voted for 65+ to redo there
driving test. Showing that not all people are on the same side.
The final website which I have chosen to include is
This website is a trusted news reporting site which is trusted
across the world they have vested interest in telling the truth as
if they did not they might lose their views if they kept on giving
incorrect truth to the public. In this article is states that the older
generation should have to retake there test every 3 years once


at the age of 70? Road Safety Minister Stephen Hammond says that over
70 must renew their license every three years. To ensure that
they are safe users of the roads.

People against older people retaking there driving test

This website
Is against the older generation having to retake there driving. In
the article it is quoted that making the older generation retake
their test they will become isolated from the rest of the
community. This tells us that by doing this we will be pushing
that older generating further and further away. The article
quotes an old person who has to say we will lose are
independence. The website can be trusted as it is taken
straight form a news article the papers will have a vested
interest in telling the truth or people wont trust anything they
This website
This tells us that when people feel that they are getting too old
then they will stop them selfs as they dont want to hurt
anybody. Pensioners say that it is unnecessary to make them
redo there driving test as they are capable enough and will stop
if they feel if its too much. This is a reliable website because it
has got peoples opinions and both sides of the argument.
Another website to back this up is
This website is extremely trust worthy as across the world
people find out whats going on. If they gave false information


to the public then people wouldnt trust them in the future which
means they have a vested interest in themselves and dont
want to lose their viewings. They state that 53% of people over
the age of 70 have got a driving licence. Which means that over
50% of people over the age of 70 still drive with a full licence.
This shows that people who cant drive as they are unfit of due
to health restrictions chose to stay off the road allowing no
accidents to happen intensely.
This website
shows that there are more accidents caused by the younger
generation that the older generation this website calms that
there were 10,974 accidents involving over 70s where as
people between the ages of 17-19 had 11,946 accidents. This
shows that everyone over that age of 70 is safer that people
aged between the ages gaps of 2 years. This website is relabel
as it has a vested interest in its image. If the website only had
one persons opinion on it then it would be bias but it has lots of
opinions and source so it wont lean towards one side of the
The general public have a strong 90% saying that people
should retake there driving test. But looking at the fact and
figures from both sides they cause less problems to do with car
crashes then people between two age gaps as shown in On the other
hand when you turn 70 you have to reapply for your driving
licence. Showing that you are still able to drive to a high
standard. Whereas this is website says that the older people
are the more likely to commit the road crimes that any other
age groups this but this website has no graphs or charts to
back up wants its saying leading to believe that they have just
made up the figures. This implies that an old person is the most
likely to have written this statement as it has a vested interest.


On the other hand this website
Tells us that 70% of people driving behind an older person feel
unsafe for both them and the car in fought of them. This is
backed up by the percentage of people wanting the older
generation to redo their driving test decreases more the closer
you get to 70. This is protested against with this website saying that if the older generations have
to retake their driving test then they will become isolated from
the community this is quoted by an old man. This statement is
backed up by the younger generations of drivers are more
reclus that that older generations put together so why should
they have to pay the price in they are not causing the problem.
In conclusion I think that older people should retake there
driving test once they turn 70 and then every 5 years after that
which allows the instructor to see whether they are fit or not for
driving and also people with a serious medical condition must
try to use public transport or try drive with a passenger to avoid
and serious injuries of accidents.

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